Understanding “The Landlady”

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding “The Landlady”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding “The Landlady”
by Roald Dahl

2 Learning Targets Verify preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase by checking inferred meaning in context or a dictionary Justify ideas and responses shared with evidence from text or research and modify when warranted Reflect on discussion topics using evidence from the text and/or research

3 Let’s listen to Dahl’s opinion of his story:
or 25sec.-59sec.

4 Supplies to have on your desk and instructions
Label first piece of paper with name, date, and lesson title Write out the words “vocabulary words” Take first piece of paper labeled “vocabulary words” and flip over and then write “Questions” on back of paper Label second piece of paper with name, date, and lesson title Write out the words “Character T-Chart” Label third piece of paper with name, date, and lesson title Write out the words “20% Quiz 1” Label fourth piece of paper with name, date, and lesson title Write out the words “20% Quiz 2” Materials: 4 pieces of notebook paper A pencil A marker

5 Vocabulary words: Write a list of words that you are not sure of the definition of in the text
Words like kippers: a cold smoked whole herring

6 Discussion Time!

7 Character T-Chart Get out a second piece of paper.
Draw T-chart on the front of the paper then flip paper and draw a second T-chart on back. On the topic section on the front of page write Billy Weaver. On the topic section on the back of page write Landlady. In the first column write Character and then in second column write Evidence Repeat on page of page Students are to work in groups to decide the nature of the students

8 Discussion: Is the landlady menacing?

9 The two assignments 20% Quiz 1 Due Friday
Chose 2 questions from the 6 questions Circle the number of the question Answer questions based on rubric 20% Quiz 2 Due Monday Chose 2 different questions the 4 questions left Circle the number of the question Answer questions based on rubric

10 Rubric for 20% quizzes 3 Points Answers 2 questions of students choice Restates the questions in answer to both questions Writes 3 or 4 sentences per question Includes evidence from text in each answer 2 Points Answers 1 or 2 questions of students choice Restates part of the questions in answer to both questions Writes 2 sentences per question Includes little evidence from text in each answer 1 Points Answers 1 questions of students choice Writes 1 sentences per question Please write out your 4 questions or write out all 6 once they are on the screen

11 Pick out and write out 4 Questions of your choice:
What was Billy's first impression of the house and of the landlady? Why did the tea taste of almonds and why does this matter? How is this story like Hansel and Gretel? What happened to the landlady’s pets and What do you think happened to the other lodgers? Would you want to stay with the landlady or go to The Bell and Dragon hotel? What do you think happens after the story ends?


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