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Homework Due: Science Supplies

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1 Homework Due: Science Supplies
Lab Safety Contract Monday 8/29 and Tuesday 8/30 CO: Today I am… organizing my notebook and reflecting on the scientific process So that I can… create a study guide and resource for science class materials. LO: I will follow teacher directions to label and organize each section of my notebook, and reflect on the process of science by problem solving and questioning with table partners. What’s Up? Notebook information and set up Start page – How do I fill it in? Fast 5 – Puzzle and Reflection Vocab: WOW Words! Doing Science – Watch the video “How It’s Made: Bubblegum”. Brain Drain, Questions

2 Interactive Science Notebooks
Mrs. Moody Science Notebook

3 Have you ever heard yourself say .
I can't find my . . . notes, homework, old quizzes . . . I can't remember what we did in class yesterday. I'm sure its in . . . my locker . . . my book bag . . . my room . . . I was absent last week, did I miss anything?

4 Well Here's Your Answer.. Science Notebook Interactive Notebook

5 What is An Interactive Notebook
A interactive notebook (ISN) is your own personalized DIARY of learning about science A portfolio of your work in ONE convenient spot. This is great for studying for upcoming quizzes & tests A great ORGANIZATIONAL tool that gives you permission to be PLAYFUL AND CREATIVE in your responses without "messing up" your notes. Allows you to think like a REAL SCIENTIST! Science Notebook

6 Real Scientist Use Notebooks


________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LEWIS and CLARK

9 You will use your notebook daily.
YOU ARE A SCIENTIST! You will use your notebook daily. You will record all your thoughts, observations, and notes. You will keep all papers in your notebook. You will peer grade and reflect on your notebooks at the end of each Quarter. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 You will enter the week number, day number, and page number daily!
HOW WILL THIS HAPPEN?! You will enter the week number, day number, and page number daily! When needed, you will use glue, a piece of tape, or a smudge of glue from a glue stick to place papers/foldables in your notebook. You will not tear out any pages. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 Why are we using Interactive Science Notebooks?
Record data Study for tests Record progress Communication

12 Science Notebook Setup:
What will it look like?

13 NO MARKERS! (Gel pens are ok!)
Science Notebook Supplies Glue or glue stick Clear View 3 Ring Binder pens & pencils NO MARKERS! (Gel pens are ok!) colored pencils

14 LEFT SIDE: YO SIDE The LEFT SIDE belongs to you.
It contains your Start Page with Fast 5, Vocabulary, and Summary. On this page you may include diagrams, cartoons, drawings, poems, etc. Let your CREATIVITY go wild! You may also add more “stuff” like foldables and other additions…

15 Examples of Left Side Assignments
Science Fast 5’s (warm ups) Graphic Organizers Drawings/Illustrations Poems, Rap Songs Cartoons/Comics Lab Analysis Teach Your Parent Lesson Summaries… YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BE AS CREATIVE AS YOU WANT




19 “A Bit More On The Left” Getting You to Think About Your Learning
REFLECTION: Use Guiding Prompts: What are you curious about? What would you like to test? What was the main idea? What are the important details to remember? How does this relate to your life? What don’t you understand?

20 RIGHT SIDE: MY SIDE The RIGHT SIDE belongs to me and should only contain information given or “input” from Mrs. Moody. Nothing else should be placed on this page! The RIGHT SIDE contains all the TESTABLE material.

21 RIGHT SIDE The RIGHT side of the notebook contains information given to you. This is the ESSENTIAL information that will DEFINITELY be on a quiz or test. Nothing else should go on this side.

22 Left Side-Right Side: WHICH SIDE?
The notebook is divided into TWO sections. Left Side-Right Side: WHICH SIDE? The Left SIDE “LOVES” student work. This is the side that you can use to show me your creativity. This is the “output” or product side. The Right side is “RESTRICTED” and contains only information given by Mrs. Moody. Nothing else should be placed on the RIGHT SIDE!!

23 What do I do if I am absent?
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain the assignments from a homework partner or the “Class Notes” file. After checking Canvas and other students check with the instructor if you still have questions. Find a buddy from this class and exchange phone numbers and/or addresses so that you can help each other stay current! Staying current with all entries is vital to your success this year in science!!!! Remember: Whether you are in class or absent, you are responsible for content and handouts!

24 NOTEBOOK RULES.. No RIPPED OUT pages or torn corners
No DOODLING that doesn’t relate to science Notebook should be used for SCIENCE CLASS ONLY DATE AND NUMBER each page All entries must go into the Table of Contents BE COLORFUL & LOVE YOUR NOTEBOOK

25 Getting started – Let’s do this
Getting started – Let’s do this! First, choose your cover template, or create your own! On the cover, write your name, period, and “Science” using black or dark colored ink. Sharpies are great for this! We will color our covers as time allows or you can do that at home. Be creative! My Name My Hour Science Notebook

26 1.We will label our 8 Dividers first. Scientific Method Matter
Earth Structure Cells Genetics Classification Anchors Assessments MrsMoody1st period

27 2. Add additional handouts that Mrs
2. Add additional handouts that Mrs. Moody gives you in the correct order. 3. Listen carefully and organize your notebook as it is modeled for you! 4.Label your dividers in the order listed. 5. Add a clear “page protector” to the front to hold unfinished foldables or pieces of activities that have not been glued in yet.

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