Office of Instructional Technology January 28. 2005 Wireless Laptop Orientation.

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1 Office of Instructional Technology January 28. 2005 Wireless Laptop Orientation

2 Laptop Basics Turning on the laptop 1.Turn on the laptop by using the circular shaped button just above the keyboard in the center. 2.Wait until the log-in window comes up. Power

3 Laptop Basics (troubleshooting) Will Not Turn On 1.Using the power adapter cord for the laptop from the cart, plug the laptop into an electrical outlet. 2.If the laptop powers on, the batteries may need recharging. 3.If nothing happens, fill out a repair form, noting the laptop number.

4 Laptop Basics (troubleshooting) No Network/Internet Access 1. The computer icon (green bars) in the bottom right corner of the task bar should not have a red X on it. If it does, hold down the Fn key and gently tap the F2 key. Hold your mouse over this icon to view the status of your wireless signal

5 Laptop Basics (troubleshooting) 2. If you still do not have Network/Internet access, look at the access point on top of the laptop cart. If the middle light is on (green) that means the access point has power. The top and bottom lights will be blinking if you have a network connection. If they are not blinking: a.Make sure the network cable is plugged into the back of the access point and into the network outlet in the wall. OR b.Fill out a repair form reporting the incident.

6 Laptop Basics (troubleshooting)

7 Will Not Log In 1.Check to see if the cart is connected to the network. (See above) 2.Retype your user name and password. 3.The domain should say DPS. 4. Fill out a repair form. Username/Passwords: o Students- firstname-lastname/lastname o Teachers- firstname_lastname/4321lastname

8 Laptop Basics (troubleshooting) Laptop Will Not Wake Up 1. If you pause from touching/using the laptop for any length of time, it will go to sleep. That means the screen will go black. Do not despair. Your work is not lost unless there is a power outage during the time the computer is asleep. 2.To wake up the computer, try pushing the space bar, moving your mouse (if you have one), touch and move your finger over the touch pad, or push the power button gently. 3.When the computer screen comes back up, there will be a window saying that the computer is locked. Push the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys. Then a window will ask you to enter your password again. Then the screen will show what you were last working on when it went to sleep.

9 Laptop Basics (troubleshooting) Will Not Shut Down Completely – Turn off the laptop manually by holding the power button down until the laptop shuts off.

10 Laptop Basics Displaying your computer screen via a LCD projector 1. Attach the VGA cable to the projector and the laptop 2. Power the laptop and the projector on 3. If it image does not display automatically, hold down the Function key (Fn) and press the F8 key on your keyboard and wait a few seconds until it displays

11 Laptop Basics (troubleshooting) Projector Will Not Display Laptop Screen 1. Check all connections, making sure they are all securely attached properly. 2.To set the computer to allow dual display (both the laptop and projector get the same image): A. right click on laptop desktop and select Graphic Options B. select Output To C. select Intel dual display clone D. select Monitor & Notebook.

12 Laptop Basics Saving Documents – Students cannot save anywhere except their H: Drives (a network folder designated for the student) So, students can access their documents from any Windows computer Teachers can save to their desktops/ c: drive, so it is important to know how to navigate your hard and network drives

13 Accessing/Organizing Files Click on the My Computer icon on your desktop Local Disk (C)- the computers hard drive Devices with Removable Storage- cds floppy disks, flash drives, etc. Network Drives- (H:) your designated folder on the DPS server

14 Accessing/Organizing Files Drill-Down to the correct folder Create a new folder by right- clicking and choosing New Folder

15 VCASEL Teachers can send students files and resources, including web shortcuts, using the VCASEL teacher tool

16 Laptop carts include 16 wireless Dell D505 laptop computers Printer with Jet Direct Box LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Projector Software – Instructional software – Productivity software – Additional software

17 Office of Instructional Technology January 28. 2005 Instructional Software on the Laptops

18 The Graph Club Graphing program for grades K-5 Creates picture, circle, bar, and line graphs along with tables Graphs up to 12 categories with a scale of up to 1000.


20 Timeliner Automatically organizes any type of sequential information – hourly – Yearly – Geologic Creates multimedia timelines timelines Creates sequence of events in literature, math, science and

21 KidPix Drawing and painting program Option to create slide shows Users can combine graphics (original drawings) with text.

22 Kidspiration Concept Mapping software. Ideal to support visual thinking Option to view in both outline and diagram format. Designed for elementary students

23 Kidspiration



26 Inspiration Concept mapping software for grades 3 through adult Users can view in either outline or diagram format Supports writing and visual thinking.


28 Image Blender Edit digital images – Resize – Crop – Add special effects Save in different formats

29 Office of Instructional Technology January 28. 2005 Productivity Tools Included on the Laptops Microsoft Office Professional Version 2003

30 Access - database Excel - spreadsheet PowerPoint - presentation Publisher – desktop publishing Word – word processing Office Applications

31 Additional Applications on the Laptop Trend Micro: antivirus software Microsoft Media Player Adobe Reader QuickTime Player Flash Player Internet Explorer 6 for Windows XP Windows Movie Maker Sound Recorder

32 Claymation Using Windows Movie Maker, digital cameras, and art supplies, your students can create stop-action movies: – Claymation Examples Claymation Examples

33 Podcasts With a digital sound recorder, students can record themselves reading, interviewing, discussing, etc. These recordings can then be posted to the web as podcasts. – Example Podcasts Example Podcasts

34 Office of Instructional Technology January 28. 2005 Best practices with laptops in your classroom

35 Pair Students This works well with activities that require teamwork and collaboration. Some software lends itself to teamwork. One example is How Long, How Far?

36 Divide and Conquer Divide the class into two groups. Half work on the laptop. Half work with other resources.

37 Project-Based Learning

38 Laptops become an additional center

39 Questions?

40 How to Contact Us for Help Hillary Alexander – 560-2116 Jerry Williamson – 201-6456 David Johnson – 560-2116 Dick McFall – 560-2360 Ron Wahlen – 560-2236

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