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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy!

2 Chapters 11-13 Chapters 14-16 Chapter 17-19 Chapters 20, 21, 23 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 A policy of pulling away from involvement in world affairs.
What is isolationism? Return Row 1, Col 1

4 Industries were in trouble. Farmers need a lift.
Consumers have less money to spend. Living on credit. Uneven distribution of income. What were the causes of the Great Depression? Return 1,2

5 What is the GI Bill of rights?
Provided education and training for veterans, paid by the Federal Government. What is the GI Bill of rights? Return 1,3

6 What is the Peace Corps? 1,4 Return
A program of volunteer assistance to developing Nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. What is the Peace Corps? Return 1,4

7 What was the Tea Pot Dome Scandal?
Secretary of the interior Albert B. Fall’s secret leasing of oil rich public land to private companies in return For money and land. What was the Tea Pot Dome Scandal? 2,1 Return

8 It is spending more money than the government received in revenue.
What is deficit spending? 2,2 Return

9 16 countries received 13 billion in aid and raised production levels
What was the Marshall Plan? Return 2,3

10 A project to register African – American voters in Mississippi
What was the Freedom Summer? Return 2,4

11 Greater sexual freedom to men than women and also required women to
observe stricter standards of behavior than men. What was the double standard for the women in the 1920’s? 3,1 Return

12 Appeasement is giving up principles to pacify as aggressor.
The lightning war, make use of advances in military technology – Blitzkrieg Where Hitler and Edouard Daladier and Neville Chamberlain met in Munich. What is appeasement and what happened at Munich? Blitzkrieg? Return 3,2

13 When the veterans got back from war, the baby boom rate went up.
What was the baby boom? Return 3,3

14 An organization founded in 1966 to pursue feminist goals, such as
better childcare facilities, improved educational opportunities and an end to job discrimination. What is the National Organization for Women? Return 3,4

15 Began with the assassination of
Archduke Ferdinand. What was the spark to the powder keg in Europe? Return 5,1

16 Who were FDR’s critics during the New Deal?
Huey Long, an early supporter of FDR, turned against him.  Father Charles Coughlin was another early Roosevelt supporter who later turned against his reforms.   And, the United States Supreme Court, from time to time, found some of the largest New Deal programs to be unconstitutional, resulting in an interesting backlash by Roosevelt. Who were FDR’s critics during the New Deal? Return 4,2

17 Roosevelt met with Churchill and Stalin. For 8 days the three leaders
discussed the fate of Germany and the postwar world. What happened at the Yalta Conference? Return 4,3

18 Found that Lee Harvey Oswald was alone and responsible for the
assassination of President Kennedy. What did the Warren Commission find? Return 4,4

19 Most Americans believe prosperity will last forever
Productivity increasing, businesses expanding Mergers in auto industry, steel, electrical equipment, utilities Chain stores develop; national banks allowed to create branches Income gap between workers, managers grows Iron, railroad industries not prosperous; farms suffer losses What was the “Superficial Prosperity” of the 1920’s? Return 4,1

20 What was the unemployment rate?
25 % What was the unemployment rate? Return 5,2

21 What was the “iron curtain”?
A phrase used by Winston Churchill in 1946 to describe an imaginary line that separated Communist countries in the Soviet Bloc of Eastern Europe from countries in Western Europe What was the “iron curtain”? Return 5,3

22 What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
It prohibited discrimination because of race, religion, national origin, and gender. It gave all citizens the right to enter libraries, parks, washrooms, theaters, restaurants and other public accommodations. What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Return 5,4

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