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Developed vs. Underdeveloped Countries

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Presentation on theme: "Developed vs. Underdeveloped Countries"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developed vs. Underdeveloped Countries

2 Levels of Development Developed-prosperous, high standard of living.
Developing- show political, economic, and social progress. Underdeveloped- lack of adequate industries and modern technology, high levels of poverty.

3 How is level determined?
GDP (Gross Domestic Product)- total value of goods and services produced in a country in a year divided by the total population. Level of education, literacy rate. Types and availability of transportation and communication. Life expectancy.

4 Developed Countries High levels of technology, transportation, communication. Prosperous. High levels of education and health. USA, Japan, France, Great Britain, Australia

5 Developing Countries Becoming developed.
Building their economy, changing political and social climate. Czech Republic and Mexico.

6 Underdeveloped Countries
Most people are poor. Lack of communication, technology, and transportation. Low literacy rates, low life expectancy. Ethiopia, Somalia, Cambodia.

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