Chapter 3, Lesson 1, Forms of Energy

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1 Chapter 3, Lesson 1, Forms of Energy

2 Chapter 3, Lesson 1, Forms of Energy Slide 1
*What is the main idea? ______________ -What is Energy? *Energy exists in many forms. ___________________________________________________ -Energy is the ability to cause change. -There are three different forms of energy: Kinetic- energy that is moving Potential- energy that is stored Thermal- energy that moves from place to place -The amount of kinetic energy an object has depends on the object’s mass and speed.

3 Chapter 3, Lesson 1, Forms of Energy Slide 2
*How is kinetic energy related to speed? -How is kinetic energy related to mass? *In a game of pool, the cue ball hits the rack of balls and causes the other balls to move . *The kinetic energy of the moving cue ball changes the positions and the motions of the other balls when it hits the rack. *The faster the balls move, the more kinetic energy the cue ball has. -The kinetic energy a moving object has increases as the mass of an object increases, as well. -In a bowling alley, if you bowl a volleyball and a bowling ball at the same time and at the same speed, the volleyball will knock down less pins because it has less mass.

4 Chapter 3, Lesson 1, Forms of Energy Slide 3
What are the two parts of kinetic energy that will allow this cue ball to knock the red ball in? Mass Speed

5 Chapter 3, Lesson 1, Forms of Energy Slide 4
-How are units of energy measured? -Units of energy are measured in joules. -If you drop a softball from a height of 0.5 meters, it would have about 1J of kinetic energy.

6 Chapter 3, Lesson 1, Forms of Energy Slide 5
*What is potential energy? *An object can have energy even if it is not moving. *If a boulder is resting at the top of a hill, it has energy even though no change is occurring because it has the ability to cause change. *When the boulder falls due to an earthquake or constant rain, it causes change. *The resting boulder has stored energy called potential energy.

7 Chapter 3, Lesson 1, Forms of Energy Slide 6
-What is elastic potential energy? -Elastic potential energy is the energy stored when an object is squeezed or stretched. -When you stretch a rubber band , the elastic potential energy of the rubber band increases creating stored energy. -The stored energy is released when the rubber band flies across a room.

8 Chapter 3, Lesson 1, Forms of Energy Slide 7
*What is chemical potential energy? *Chemical potential energy is the energy stored in bonds between the atoms that make up matter. *When you eat, you take in chemical potential energy that allows you to perform tasks when it is released.

9 Chapter 3, Lesson 1, Forms of energy Slide 8
-What is light energy? -Light energy is the energy caused by light waves. -Plants grow because of the light energy created from sunlight. -Light energy is sometimes called radiant energy because it spreads out or radiates in all directions from its source.

10 Chapter 3, Lesson 1, Forms of energy Slide 9
*What is thermal energy? *Thermal energy is energy that moves from one place to another because of differences in temperature. *When you hold a cup of hot cocoa, you feel your hands getting warmer. *Thermal energy from the hot cocoa moves to your hands.

11 Chapter 3, Lesson 1, Forms of energy Slide 10
-Summary -Energy is the ability to cause change. -A moving object has kinetic energy that increases if the speed or mass of the object increases. -Potential energy is stored energy. -There are three forms, gravitational, elastic, and chemical potential energy. -Thermal energy is energy that moves from place to place because of differences in temperature.

12 Questions??? What two parts must an object have in order to display kinetic energy? Which form of energy is stored energy? What type of energy is stored when an object is squeezed or stretched? We take in what type of energy when we eat? What type of energy is caused by light waves? What type of energy moves from one place to another because of differences in temperature?

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