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DAD: PMI Action Team District Assessment and Data for the purpose of Progress Monitoring and Intervention February 14, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "DAD: PMI Action Team District Assessment and Data for the purpose of Progress Monitoring and Intervention February 14, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAD: PMI Action Team District Assessment and Data for the purpose of Progress Monitoring and Intervention February 14, 2012

2 Walk the Line(s)! Use the sentence starters to reflect upon our work from the last meeting, BUT… …DON’T EXCEED THE LINES PROVIDED!

3 Putting the Pieces Together
Jigsaw! Number 1-10 Find your group Share (round robin) ONLY what you have written After sharing, use your group notecard to record one strategy that will help us move the work forward collectively and collaboratively

4 Idea “Stew”

5 Reasons to More Clearly Define Our Work
Clarity Connection Communication Coordination

6 DAD:PMI Plan Report to Parkway Board of Education
May 2, 2012 (Julie & John) Report to Superintendent’s Action Team April 9, 2012 (Julie & John) Finalize Updated DAD:PMI Plan-w/Feedback From Team April 2, 2012 (Julie & John) Pull all 5 Work Team Plans together into 1 Draft DAD:PMI Plan March 13, 2012 (Julie & John) Updated/Revised Work Team Plans Completed March 6, 2012 (Work Team Leaders) Work Teams Assigned Job of Revisiting Plans February 14, 2012 (Julie & John)

7 Revisiting Work Team Plans
Work Team Plan Elements Needed for DAD:PMI C-4 Does your plan have tasks that are: Specific? Concrete? Actionable? Relevant to Work Team Goals? Assigned to Person(s) Responsible? Do each of your tasks have: Start Date (M/Y)? Completion Date (M/Y)?

8 A Tool To Help GANTT Chart What It Is Use It When Applications
A scheduling tool for action planning that depicts relative timing of process steps Use It When You need to be able to judge the timing of action steps Applications To schedule the steps needed to carry out an action plan After identifying action steps

9 Develop Common PMI Language
MONTH TASKS 10/11 11/11 12/11 1/12 2/12 3/12 4/12 5/12 6/12 7/12 8/12 9/12 Develop Common PMI Language Adopt Conceptual District Framework Define Systematic Problem Solving Define Structures to Support PMI Identify Administrator Roles Universal, Targeted, Intensive Levels Needed Integration between PMI and other initiatives Integrate Problem Solving with PLC Identify Supports Currently In Place to Support Implementation Conduct Gap Analysis and Revise Action Plan to Address Needs Develop District-wide Evaluation Process Develop Communication Plan

10 Assessment Planning 2012! Final Plan Ready for Board Approval April 11
DAD: PMI (Feb) APT (Feb-Mar) (March) Principals Teachers Comm Arts Assessment Teams Final Plan Ready for Board Approval April 11

11 Assessment Planning

12 Assessment Planning Team
Members Jason Adams John Barrow Kevin Beckner Darcie Brady Becky Langrall Toby McQuerrey Lisa Merideth Denise Pupillo Derek Scott Objectives Create a conceptual model of Parkway’s Data Framework Synthesize multiple sources of information regarding district, state, and national initiatives that have impact upon Parkway’s Assessment System Recommend a 3-year transitional assessment plan for implementation through

13 Developing a Model: Geometric Thinking

14 From Abstract to Sequential
Who needs to have access to and understanding of the data (Data Users)? What do they want/need to know? How frequently? How should they access the data? Classroom Teachers PLC Teams School Improvement Teams Building Administrators District Staff Supporting Schools and Programs Parents The Board of Education Project Parkway Steering Committee The Parkway Community (news media)

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