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Ms. Burke’s Classroom Rules!.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Burke’s Classroom Rules!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Burke’s Classroom Rules!

2 When Entering The Classroom
Make sure you go straight to your seat once you enter the room You will have an assigned seat Make sure you are on time Have all your materials (pencil, paper, ect...) out and ready to go! Check the board for instructions Listen to Ms. Burke’s instructions NO TALKING!

3 What to do if I am unprepared
If you do not have the necessary materials for class: Let Ms. Burke know! This goes for things like paper and pencil or homework Ms. Burke will let you know what materials you need but ALWAYS have your notebook, pencil, and paper Habitual unpreparedness will NOT be tolerated!

4 Classroom You will have an assigned desk and you MUST sit there unless you are told otherwise! Check the board!-Assignments and the plan for the day should be written on board Be sure to LISTEN to Ms. Burke’s instructions at ALL times! I will NOT repeat myself! Assignment trays and folders will be located at the back of the room to turn your work in Ms. Burke will discuss assignment trays and more classroom procedures throughout the week!

5 Timer, Sticks, and Bell The class will operate on a timer
It is essential that we transition to our next assignment on time so we will have time to finish ALL of our work! Ms. Burke will use a bell to signal that I need your attention Whenever you hear the bell STOP what you are doing and pay attention to Ms. Burke! The class will use popsicle sticks with your name on them as a way to call on you during discussions If your name gets called you MUST do whatever Ms. Burke instructs you to do!

6 Talking There will be NO TALKING in Ms. Burke’s room, except when appropriate! Who can give me examples of appropriate times to talk? You must raise your hand to ask and answer questions and you must wait to be called on! At times when it is appropriate to discuss topics or work with a partner or in groups on lessons we will use our INDOOR VOICES! Use your Wellness time to discuss things other than your work while continuing to use your indoor voice!

7 Do’s and Do Not’s Do NOT get out of you seat without permission
Do NOT talk without permission DO NOT answer the door or the phone! DO NOT have your phone (or any electronic) out in Ms. Burke’s room! DO NOT have food or drink unless it is water! DO NOT lay your head down and or sleep DO NOT argue with Ms. Burke or with each other! Ms. Burke will not argue with you!

8 DO: DO raise your hand DO come prepared and have all of your materials before entering the classroom DO go to the restroom and nurse before class! Ms. Burke will only let you leave the room in the event of an emergency! DO ask questions, especially when you don’t understand, just be sure to raise your hand! DO follow instructions DO participate in the class and in group discussions DO pay attention and take notes DO YOUR WORK!

9 In The Hall In the hall: We will be silent
We will be in a straight line We will follow all rules! In the event of a substitute: You will follow ALL of Ms. Burke’s rules! Let’s go over what will happen if we break the rules!

10 Agenda Be sure to get an agenda!
We will write our assignments in our agenda Ms. Burke will not let you leave the room without an agenda! Please be sure to go to the restroom and nurse before class unless it is an emergency! Ms. Burke is not likely to let you leave the classroom! You need to be present because every moment counts!

11 R.E.S.P.E.C.T Ms. Burke’s number one rule is….. RESPECT!!!!!!!!!!!
You will respect Ms. Burke Your classmates and… Yourself Have a positive attitude and at least TRY!

12 Trust Ms. Burke is in charge and follow her instructions:

13 Tell Ms. Burke about YOU! 1.) Name 2.)Family 3.) Favorite subject 4.) Clubs, Sports, Extra Curricular activities 5.) Favorite Book (if you have one) 6.) Favorite Movie and TV Shows 7.) Favorite Music 8.) What is your favorite place? 9.) Favorite Food 10.) What’s a typical day like for you? *Anything else you want Ms. Burke to know!

14 Tell Ms. Burke about herself:
What can you infer about Ms. Burke from her items?


16 Narrative Task Write about a time when you did something that was considered wrong This could have been purposeful or accidental It may be any time you or someone you know broke a rule Were you redeemed after the wrong doing? Must be one page in length! When you finish read for CLEAR

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