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The Renaissance 1350-1600.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance 1350-1600."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance

2 This is how the Renaissance all began!
People are often changed by contact with other people from different cultures and worldviews This is how the Renaissance all began!

3 The Silk Road!

4 Land Routes

5 Land and Sea Routes


7 Trade Items

8 Bandits!

9 Great Wall of China

10 Pirates

11 Worst Nightmare

12 Grottoes

13 More Grottoes

14 Grottoes are cool

15 Grottoes, fun to say with an accent!

16 Demise

17 Modern Day

18 Crusades A Campaign for a cause
Lasted hundreds of years

19 Crusades and Pilgrimmages
Catholics wanted control of lands that had become predominantly or entirely Muslim. Catholic control was short lived but the impact made by the crusades was significant Huge armies of men would travel over thousands of km during crusades, How would this affect the Worldviews of Europeans? Similarly, Pilgrims, would travel long distances to holy places and met many different societies along the way. they would encounter cultures and worldviews as they went, bringing these experiences back home with them

20 Use students to demonstrate (I king, 2 clergy, 3 nobles, 2 knights, the rest peasants, serfs) People never moved outside their station.

21 The bubonic plague, the plague, the black plague
The Black DEATH The bubonic plague, the plague, the black plague Half the population dies, What now?

22 What was the plague like?
Death in less than five days Horrible, painful death 6 big outbreaks over 63 years The plague would last 4-6 months, disappear during winter then start back up in Spring and last through summer. How do you think the disease was contracted and how was it spreading?? On the fleas on rats from Asia

23 Who got the plague and why?
Everyone Mostly the poor, why? Scientists didn’t know what caused the plague until 500 years later! So what did they believe in the meantime? Caused by the planets Punishment from God Devil caused it Blamed other ethnic groups Thought that burning incense would keep it away Poor sanitation, cramped living, food shortages, urban areas

24 How would the Black Death have changed people’s worldviews?

25 How would the way you live change?
If the plague came to your community, how would your thoughts about the world change? How would the way you live change?

26 Half the population is gone…
Now what? If you make a human triangle and half the people get knocked off, will it still support itself? What will happen to the pyramid? The feudal system crashed, whole villages and towns were wiped out, whole families ceased to exist, survivors moved to the cities, cities began to grow

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