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Importance of Water Part 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Importance of Water Part 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Importance of Water Part 1

2 Water, pH, Acids, Bases, Buffers, and You

3 “Chemical reactions underlie all physiological processes.”

4 Organic Compounds contain carbon covalently bonded
large - macromolecules made by living things

5 Inorganic Compounds all others, essential for life Carbon dioxide CO2
Water H2O Carbon dioxide CO2 Oxygen O2


7 Water most abundant and important 60% to 80% vol. of living cells

8 Why is water important to you?
Importance of Water to Humans

9 1. high heat capacity prevents sudden changes in temperature
ex: blood (contains water) distributes heat

10 2. high heat vaporization
sweat cools the body heat energy is released as bonds are broken (from liquid to gas)



13 3. polarity / solvent properties
biological molecules do not react chemically unless they are in solution all chemical reactions occurring in the body depend on water’s solvent properties


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