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Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution

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1 Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution
Learning Target Notebook Assignments

2 Learning Target 7.60 I can gather relevant information explaining the significance of new scientific theories, the accomplishments of leading people, and new inventions.

3 Learning Target 7.60 On the front, divide your paper into six boxes.
Frances Bacon Nicolaus Copernicus On the front, divide your paper into six boxes. Label each box with the name of one scientist. For each scientist, write his major theories and/or accomplishments AND draw a picture to represent it. Rene Descartes Galileo Galilei Johannes Kepler Isaac Newton Skip 8 lines

4 Accomplishments/ Inventions
Group Activity Accomplishments/ Inventions Theories Each group member is responsible for finding information about one scientist. Each group member must sort the yellow cards into the correct categories for their assigned scientist. After all cards have been correctly sorted, each group member must read their scientist’s information to the group. Next, write the major theories and/or accomplishments inside the corresponding boxes in your notebook. Inside the boxes, also draw a picture to represent the scientists’ theories and /or accomplishments. Scientist Scientist Scientist Scientist Scientist Scientist

5 Learning Target 7.60 On the back, divide your paper into four boxes.
Label each box with a scientific instrument. For each scientific instrument, describe its function and draw a picture. telescope microscope thermometer barometer

6 Barometer

7 I can describe the accomplishments of major Enlightenment thinkers.
Learning Target 7.62 I can describe the accomplishments of major Enlightenment thinkers.

8 Learning Target 7.62 On the front, divide your paper in half
Label each half with the name of an Enlightenment thinker. For each person, write his major theories and/or accomplishments AND draw a picture to represent it. John Locke Charles-Louis Montesquieu How should government be organized? What is the purpose of government? What about the people/citizens?

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