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Look at the tree. Can you name the trees? What do the trees have?

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Presentation on theme: "Look at the tree. Can you name the trees? What do the trees have?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Look at the tree. Can you name the trees? What do the trees have?
All About Trees Prior knowledge Look at the tree. Can you name the trees? What do the trees have? What grows on the trees? 1. maple apple pine walnut 2. roots trunk branch leaves bark buds 3. fruit nuts JIR-All About

2 bark branches buds leaves roots tree
JIR-All About

3 bark branches buds leaves roots tree [bark] noun, plural barks
The woody covering of tree trunks and branches. branches [bran-chiz] noun, plural A part of a tree that grows out from the main trunk. buds [budz] noun plural A small growth on the stem of a plant that will develop into a flower, leaf, or shoot. leaves [leevz] The flat, usually green part of a plant that is jointed at one end of the stem or branches. roots [roots] The part of a plant that usually grows downward into the soil. tree [tree] noun, plural trees A tall plant with a wooden trunk, branches, and leaves. JIR-All About

4 buds branches leaves roots tree bark
Vocabulary Test All About Trees Find the word and write the correct word in the box. * Blue shadow boxes are for vowels. buds branches leaves roots tree bark <Across> 2. A part of a tree that grows out from the main trunk. 4. The part of a plant that usually grows downward into the soil. <Down> 1. The flat, usually green part of a plant . 2. A small growth on the stem that will develop into a flower. 3. The woody covering of tree trunks and branches. 5. A tall plant with a wooden trunk, branches, and leaves. JIR-All About

5 Some fruit grows on this tree. Some nuts grows on this tree.
Grammar All About Trees Look at the example and complete the sentence. Some fruit grows on this tree. Some nuts grows on this tree. Put the vase on table. dress is mine. She likes dress. I drink water with glass. Use ‘this’ and make your own sentence. JIR-All About

6 Look at the parts of an apple tree.
Before Writing All About Trees Look at the parts of an apple tree. Apple Trees branches fruit leaves bark trunk roots Apple Trees An apple tree has roots. The roots keep the tree in place. An apple tree has ________. ____________________________. ___________________________. JIR-All About

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