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My final project E-learning in our classrooms –smart, inteligente, colaborative tool ( ECSIT)

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Presentation on theme: "My final project E-learning in our classrooms –smart, inteligente, colaborative tool ( ECSIT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 My final project E-learning in our classrooms –smart, inteligente, colaborative tool ( ECSIT)

2 Short decription The main objective of ECSIT is supporting high schools and their employees and students to use e-learning as a tool of non-tradictional teaching/ learning. Statistics shows that only 3 from 94 high schools in Macedonia use e-learning for succesfull integration on ICT and improving the quality of the education .

3 Why e-learning ? E-learning resources are related to online, delivery and interaction over the Internet, using classroom management systems (CSM ) such as , for example, Moodle. Using a CSM ( and a web browser) students can log in from anywhere in the world to access their class materials and interact with one onother and the teachers.

4 Why Moodle? It is a community with a value of an open collaborative effort by one of the largest open-source teams in the world. You can get support from the community, share ideas and meet others in a community of your preferred language. You can post your learning materials from all types : video, text, audio, links , PPP, e-tests, can follow and evaluate your students work ,post your homework, have classes with talents, reuse materials from last years, , invite,, guests-experts in their fields from all over the world in real time, ...learn 24/7/365. And its free !

5 How ???? To achive this objective ECSIT will realize a training programme that will include course, a coaching and meetings to visit best practice in Europe. After the training courses, teachers will make a workshops for their colegues and students to improve their digital literacy and prepare them for using e- learning sistem and Moodle platform. A final meeting will be organized in school with employees, students, parents, local community to present the project outputs .

6 Expected results 4 training courses ( teachers from 1 high school and 2 primary school in Bogdanci , ?+? students from the same schools+ parents ) ? meetings and visits to best practice cases in Europe (for the beneficiaries of the coaching service) 1 e-learning sistem developed 4 courses developed ( math, physics, ..)

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