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Bullying By: Paige Smith.

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1 Bullying By: Paige Smith

2 What is Bullying? Repeated aggression in which there is an imbalance of power between the person who bullies and the person being victimized.

3 Ways to address Bullying
Establish a Code of Conduct Post a code of conduct so children know what behavior is allowed in the school and what is not Lead By Example Choose your words carefully Resolve Conflicts in a positive way Encourage Children to Report Tell an Adult Teacher, Parent, Coach Develop Consequences Punishment needs to be made Children who bully also need help understanding the impact their behavior makes on others

4 Continued… Minimize Opportunities Encourage Positive Behavior
Organize Activities Break up groups of children who act aggressively together Encourage Positive Behavior Give Praise when earned Be ready to listen and help Don’t put it off Ask for details

5 Signs of Being Bullied & Bullying Others
Afraid to go to school or other activities Anxious Low self-esteem Trouble Sleeping, Nightmares Isolates themselves Bruising, damaged clothing Threatens to hurt themselves or others Bossy and Manipulative Secretive Easily Frustrated Has trouble standing up to peer pressure Doesn’t recognize impact of behavior Low concern for others Aggressive with others Parents, Siblings, Pets, Friends, Teachers

6 Risks for Children who are Bullied
Low Self-Esteem Poor Health Headaches Stomach aches Academic Problems Contemplating/Attempting Suicide Social Anxiety Loneliness Depression Low Mood Sense of Hopelessness

7 Risks for Children who Bully others
Not knowing the difference between right and wrong Adult Criminality Difficulties in their relationships with others Delinquency and Substance Use Academic Problems Drop Out

8 Types of Bullying Verbal Bullying Physical Bullying
Name-Calling, mocking, hurtful teasing, humiliating or threating someone, racist or sexist comments Physical Bullying Hitting, Kicking, Shoving, Spitting, Beating Up, Stealing, or Damaging Property

9 Continued…. Social Bullying Cyber Bullying
Excluding others from the group Gossiping or Spreading Rumors Setting others up to look foolish Cyber Bullying Using , cell phones, text messages, and internet sites to threaten, harass, embarrass, socially exclude, or damage reputations and friendships

10 Tips to Share Being Bullied: Tell someone who can help
If you’re scared to talk to someone alone, ask a friend to go with you Stay in areas where you feel safe Stay Calm Get Funny Humor Shows that your not bothered Bully Others: Ask a friend to help you stop when you start to bully someone Understand that even though you may not like someone, we treat everyone with respect Put Yourself in the other kids shoes Apologize to those you’ve bullied Talk to someone who can help you find ways to get along with others

11 Tips to share….. With those who watch bullying:
If you walk away and get help, you are part of the solution. If you stay and watch, you are part of the problem. Invite kids who are bullied to play with you Comfort the person being bullied Let it known that bullying is not okay! Help kids who bully, don’t hurt them Speaking out helps, bullying back doesn’t help Talk to someone who can help Remember that telling is not tattling

12 Trust your Instincts If you have any suspicion that a child is being bullied, most likely they are. Children often deny it out of shame or fear. Trust your instincts and intervene.

13 Sources

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