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Asking the Right Questions: Interview Skills & Tips

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1 Asking the Right Questions: Interview Skills & Tips
Presented by Tanja Huston Human Resources Leader SSM Health April 23, 2015

2 Tanja Huston SSM Health
Welcome Today’s Presenter Tanja Huston SSM Health

3 Overview Helping the candidate feel welcome and comfortable
Assessing candidate qualifications/fit/culture What NOT to ask (understanding what is legal and illegal) How to participate effectively in group interview Sample questions for a variety of situations 80/20 Rule Interviewing in the age of social media

4 Helping the Candidate Feel Welcome and Comfortable
Ensure the candidate knows where they are going, directions and location of interview Be hospitable- this is the first impression of your organization – make it meaningful Introduce yourself and explain your role in the interview process During the interview, let the candidate talk and you listen intently After the interview, outline next steps with the candidate

5 Assessing Qualifications and Behaviors for Cultural Fit
Successful interviewing begins with successful interview tool kit and preparation of the hiring leader Develop an effective leader interview tool kit (partnership with hiring leader and HR) – leader focus on qualifications and ability to do the job Develop an effective peer interview tool kit and designate members/provide training – peer team focus on behavior/cultural fit

6 What NOT to Ask Questions that pertain to age, race, national origin or religion Number of children and their ages, family life, someone’s surname Questions that pertain to disability, marital status, or sexual orientation Past arrest or convictions Access to a car or ability to get to work Do not ask questions that are legally prohibited High school graduation date or anticipated date of retirement Military service obligations What do you do when the candidate discloses any of the above?

7 Tips for a Successful Interview
Have your questions ready Avoid interruptions Put the candidate at ease Listen attentively (apply the 80/20 rule) Take notes while you listen (retain these notes after interview) Do not ask “yes” or “no” questions Do not lead the candidate to the desired answer Do not rush the candidate

8 Effective Group Interview
Peer interviews are effective to assess if the candidate is a fit for the team and culture Involves members of your team that do the work Focus is on behavioral based scenarios using behavioral based questions Peer teams help share in the hiring decision process

9 Sample Questions for a Variety of Situations
Samples of leader questions: How do you ensure quality in your work? How do you interact with all levels of employees? What was the highest level you have worked with? What job did you perform with this employee? Why are you interested in this position? Why are you leaving your current position? How do you go about learning a new job? Tell me about a time when you were given a due date and you did not met that? How did you handle it?

10 Sample Questions for a Variety of Situations
Samples of peer interview questions: Share an example of a team goal that you were involved in recently? What did you do to help the team reach the goal? Your leader has shared a new process change, how do you see yourself being part of the team to help move this initiative forward? Describe a situation in which you anticipated a potential problem? What did you do? Give me an example of a time when you were faced with a complex work related matter and you had to decide on the best course of action. What did you do?

11 The 80/20 Rule Candidate should talk 80 % of the time
Interviewer should talk 20% of the time Both are assessing if this is the right fit Interviewer should remain focus on the task in selecting the right candidate Clarify candidates answers and take notes while they are speaking

12 Interviewing in the Age of Social Media
Refer to your social media policy Involve HR Base your hiring decisions on facts and not on what you hear Big question: can an employer legally examine a candidate’s social media presence as part of the recruitment process?

13 Closing Thoughts What have you encountered as your biggest barrier in the interview process? What is an area in the process that you have experienced that worked well? Do you see these tips being helpful for you?

14 Questions?

15 To receive a certificate of participation, please contact Leah Woods at AHCAP headquarters at

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