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Breast Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Breast Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breast Assessment



4 Nipple Areola Body of breast Tail of breast

5 Nipple ,Areola

6 Body and tail of breast



9 Stages in breast development

10 Breast changes during pregnancy
Soreness Enlarged Visible veins Nipples enlarged ,darker Montgomery tuberclles colostrum

11 Breast changes during lactation
Increase size Increase weight

12 Breast changes in aging
Loss of fullness Sagging Flattening Decrease nipple size

13 Principles of physical assessment
Wash hands Bring appropriate equipment to bedside Introduce self Verify correct patient Ensure privacy Obtain consent Ensure comfort Breast examination may be frightening/embarassing

14 Breast examination Inspection Palpation

15 Expose only area needed

16 Inspection

17 Inspect from 3 directions
Front Left side Right side

18 Note changes in shape ,size, symmetry of nipple, areola and body of breast

19 INSPECTION Breasts not always the same size as each other
Note recent changes in breast size

20 Breast size

21 Breast shape and symmetry
Breasts not always same shape Note recent changes

22 Breast shape and symmetry
Popularity of breast surgery

23 Skin changes redness-infection inflammation

24 Orange peel

25 Dimpling

26 Discharge from nipples

27 Inverted nipples ,direction of piont

28 Palpation for breast lumps
Palpation for breast lumps. Different times of the month, just before period they can feel lumpy.Perform standing or with pillow under shoulder whilst lying.

29 Palpate 3 fingers Systematic,thorough

30 Hard Fixed irregular

31 Alternative methods





36 Palpate whole breast .Nipple areola and body of breast

37 Checking breast goes together checking the axilla! with

38 Palpation of axilla Lymph nodes Lying-sitting preferred

39 Sitting preferred Patients arm rest on one of examiners arms The examiners second arm checks the axillary nodes


41 Lymph nodes Enlarged?-Size ?Tender ?Fixed

42 Male breast cancer

43 Mammography

44 finish

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