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Journal Entries.

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1 Journal Entries

2 Journal Entry #1 Set up the paper like this: 1/30/17 Journal Entry #1
Describe the best or worst day you have ever had. Include details. Paragraph #1 (Response to prompt) Paragraph #2- Free write

3 Journal Entry #2 What is your worst habit?
Have you ever tried to stop? If so, what prevented you from breaking this habit?

4 Journal Entry #3 If you had the chance to spend one hour with anyone you want (living or deceased), who would it be, where would you go, and why?

5 Journal Entry #4 Which superpower would you most like to possess and why? How would it make your life better or easier?

6 Journal Entry #5 Would you rather? Support your answer.
Know when you are going to die OR how you are going to die? Support your answer.

7 Journal Entry #6 What would you do if someone just gave you $1 million? Who would you tell? What would you do with it? Be honest!

8 Journal Entry #7 What is your biggest pet peeve (thing that irks you the most) in life and why?

9 Journal Entry #8 If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?

10 Journal Entry #9 Which profession or professions do you believe are the most underpaid and overpaid? Explain your reasoning.

11 Journal Entry #10 If and when I raise children, I'll never...
Finish the statement and explain your answer.

12 Journal Entry #11 What was the biggest mistake you have made in life so far? How was it dealt with and what did you learn from it?

13 Journal Entry #12 If I could change one thing about myself, it would be… Explain your answer and give reasons why this change would benefit you. If you can't think of anything, you might want to consider telling me how you got to be perfect

14 Journal Entry #13 You have been given the opportunity to help create the school year calendar- what changes would you make and why? Students would have to attend a minimum of 180 days…

15 Journal Entry #14 Reflect on your marking period. How was it?
How did you do academically? Are you happy with your performance? If not, what would you change? Which classes did you like or dislike? Did the marking period go by fast or slow? Have you learned anything about yourself?

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