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Bully Free Freshman Class Session 3 Today all students will: Discuss reasons bullying must be stopped. Discuss the concepts of community and unity and.

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Presentation on theme: "Bully Free Freshman Class Session 3 Today all students will: Discuss reasons bullying must be stopped. Discuss the concepts of community and unity and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bully Free Freshman Class Session 3 Today all students will: Discuss reasons bullying must be stopped. Discuss the concepts of community and unity and how it relates to how you treat people, your willingness to help those who are bullied and your need to work together toward making their school a unified community. Be able to report bullying when you are bullied Be able to report bullying when you see someone bullied. Examine your behavior in relation to bullying. Identify changes needed in your behavior relative to bullying. List at least three do’s and don’ts in responding to students who bully them. Discuss how to use the Assert Formula when you are bullied.

2 Lesson 8:Why Bullying Must Stop (handout)  Which of the facts on the handout surprise or concern you the most?  Why?

3 Journal Entry #11  Explain how bullying could cause post traumatic stress

4 Lesson 12: How Would You Define Community, Unity and a Bully Free School? “Community is having common ties or interests; agreement; having a sense of belonging and acceptance with emotional safety; feeling respected; members having high-quality interactions; feeling one’s rights are protected; feeling one’s opinion matters and can influence the group.”

5 How Would You Define Unity? “Unity is oneness of mind or feelings, as among a number of persons; harmony or agreement; and all the parts creating a harmonious whole.”

6  Community and unity are worthy goals for us to have. Our class and our school is a community and we all have the responsibility to do what we can to make it a safe and peaceful community where everyone is respected and feels like they are accepted and belong. We should also work hard together to be united. We need to be a unified community.

7 Quotes  In groups, discuss how your quotes relate to how we treat others, our willingness to help those bullied and our need to work together toward making our school a unified community.  You will read your quote and share your thoughts.

8 Journal Entry #12  Write one statement about community and unity that is based on a summary of the class discussion and that would be worthy of adding to the list of quotes.

9 Lesson 13- Am I Willing to Report Bullying? Most bullying is never reported. Bullying must be reported if we are going to have a safe and peaceful school and if students are going to have healthy lives I want to examine your willingness to report bullying “Survey-Reporting Bullying” – (handout) be honest in your responses and be serious.

10 Journal Entry #13 Answer the question “Am I Willing to Report Bullying?” and explain your answer.

11 Lesson 14:My Behavior Last Week  We all make mistakes. I try to do what is right but sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I need to try harder to do what is right. Everyone can learn to behavior better. It is important to always act our best. To do that, we need to be honest with ourselves about the way we treat others. To improve, we need to recognize what behaviors we need to stop doing and make plans to behave better. People who are honest about the way they behave and try to do better, become better people and people like them more than people who are not honest about the way they behave.  I want us to be honest with ourselves about the way we behave

12 Behavior Worksheet (handout)  I want you to read the instructions on the worksheet I have given you and be honest.  No one is going to see what you have marked except me.  Since I care about you, I’m going to look at your worksheets. I want to help you to be the best person you can be, because that is key to being happy and helping others be happy.

13 Journal Entry # 14  Reflect on our discussion of behavior and write a paragraph regarding your thoughts and feelings.

14 Lesson 15- What Should You Do When You Are Bullied? In the next few lessons we will study strategies to use when someone bullies us. You will find these very useful. If you are not being bullied now, you could be later, perhaps in college and even in the workplace. First lets cover some Do’s and Don’ts for responding to bullying.

15 What Should You Do When You Are Bullied? (handout) Read the instructions and complete the worksheet individually without talking.

16 Journal Entry # 15 Make a list of do’s and don’ts when bullied

17 Lesson 16- What Should You Do When You Are Bullied? (Part 2 – Assert Formula) “Assert formula.” (Handout) Students who bully want to hurt and have power and control of someone. It is best that you not let them know they have hurt you, unless you believe they would really care and may regret it. If the person is a true bully, they will not care much. Also, being assertive will communicate they do not have power over you

18 Journal Entry # 16 Reflect on the lesson and to write a paragraph summarizing their thoughts and feelings

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