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Hosted by Miss Aucoin.

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Presentation on theme: "Hosted by Miss Aucoin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hosted by Miss Aucoin

2 Animal or Plant Cells at work Not a Jail Vocabulary 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 What are the cell wall and chloroplasts?
Two things found only in plant cells. #1

4 Animal cells have several
What are vacuoles? Animal cells have several small ones, plant cells have one large one. #2

5 What is a cell? The basic unit of life. #3

6 Animals respond to this,
such as heat, touch, and fear. #4

7 Animals respond to this,
What is stimuli? Animals respond to this, such as heat, touch, and fear.

8 A process a plant performs in order to produce food.
What is photosynthesis? A process a plant performs in order to produce food. #5

9 What is oxygen? The gas that plants expel as waste during the day. #6

10 How humans today may see a technological, scientific
What is a microscope? How humans today may see a real cell as it is, a technological, scientific tool. #7

11 What is a unicellular creature?
The very first thing you were. #8

12 What is a multicellular creature?
Creatures with more than one cell. #9

13 This part of the cell that stores water and food that the cell cannot
What are vacuoles? This part of the cell that stores water and food that the cell cannot use right away. #10

14 What is the mitochondria?
The power plant of an animal cell. #11

15 The substance within a plant cell that
What is chlorophyll? The substance within a plant cell that performs photosynthesis and gives it a unique colour. #12

16 Structures inside a cell
What are organelles? Structures inside a cell helps the cell work. #13

17 What is cytoplasm? Holds the organelles in place. #14

18 Transports water, food, and waste around the inside
What is the endoplasmic reticulum? Transports water, food, and waste around the inside of the cell. #15

19 The main control centre of
What is the nucleus? The main control centre of a cell. #16

20 One millionth of a metre, also used to measure the size of cells.
What is a micrometre? One millionth of a metre, also used to measure the size of cells. #17

21 What is the cell membrane?
Controls what enters and leaves the cell. #18

22 A strong structure that provides protection and support for particular
What is the cell wall? A strong structure that provides protection and support for particular cells. #19

23 What is Euglena or bacteria?
One type of a unicellular creature that we studied in class. #20

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