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Institutt for medisinske basalfag

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1 Institutt for medisinske basalfag
Placenta Histology Histology 4: The Female Reproductive System: Placenta and Mammary Gland Per Brodal Institutt for medisinske basalfag Universitetet i Oslo 9th Semester 2008

2 Endometrium: Secretory Phase
Glands with typical secretory phase appearance Stroma with pronounced decidual reaction, especially close to the implantate: Stroma edematous Stromal cells (modified fibroblasts) large and pale-staining due to a high content of glycogen and lipids (secreted to support the implantate) Several cell-types of the maternal immune system are likely present without showing with the present technique ”Clusters” of transverse and oblique sections of spiral arteries (one artery may be sectioned more than once) Look for remodelled spiral arteries with thin walls Per Brodal 2008

3 Endometrium: Secretory Phase
Per Brodal 2008

4 Spiral arteries Low Power
Field seen in next slide Per Brodal 2008

5 Spiral Arteries in the Endometrium
May try to find remodeled arteries with thin walls due to erosion by the trophoblast Per Brodal 2008

6 Implantate: Decidual reaction
Stroma with pronounced decidual reaction, especially close to the implantate: Stroma edematous Stromal cells (modified fibroblasts) large and pale-staining due to a high content of glycogen and lipids (secreted to support the implantate) Per Brodal 2008

7 Decidual Reaction, Close up
Large, rounded decidual cells with pale cytoplasm and large, pale nuclei. Speilegg=fried egg Dominated by large, rounded decidual cells with pale cytoplasm and large, pale nuclei. Per Brodal 2008

8 Implantate Secondary villi Endometrium Intervillous spaces
Per Brodal 2008

9 Implantate, Enlarged Extra-embryonic mesoderm in villus
Cytotrophoblast Syncytiotrophoblast Intervillous space Per Brodal 2008

10 Feto-maternal transition zone
Extravillous trophoblasts: Variable size, form & staining density of nucl & cytopl, infiltrates among the decidual cells, ”malignant Look Syncytiotrophoblast with lacunae Decidual cells (light, regular Chorion Decidua Extravillous trophoblasts Per Brodal 2008

11 Implantate, Close Up Syncytiotrophoblast Cytotrophoblast
Extra-embryonic mesoderm (mesenchym) Per Brodal 2008

12 Placenta (~ 6 weeks) Stem villus Chorionic villus Chorionic plate
Chorionic cavity Chorionic plate Chorionic villi Extraembryonic mesoderm with blood vessels containing fetal cells (erythrocytes nucleated ) Cytotrophoblast Syncytiotrophoblast Intervillous spaces The intervillous spaces are empty in this specimen (maternal blood washed out during preparation) No maternal tissue in this section Chorionic plate Per Brodal 2008

13 Intervillous space (maternal blood)
Syncytiotrophoblast Cytotrophoblast Capillary Intervillous space (maternal blood) Per Brodal 2008

14 Brush border (microvilli) on syncytiotrophoblasts
Villus with capillary Brush border (microvilli) on syncytiotrophoblasts Capillary (Fetal erythrocytes nucleated) Per Brodal 2008

15 Umbilical Artery Mesenchyme Arterial wall Per Brodal 2008

16 Mesenchyme (Umbilical Cord)
Per Brodal 2008

17 Mamma and the Mammary Gland
Per Brodal 2008

18 Mammary line Langman Proliferation of epthelial cells (mammary ridge)
Epidermis Mesenchyme Positions of accessory nipples Mammary line The mammary glands are modified sweat glands situated in a specially developed subcutaneous fatty tissue The epithelial components develop from the ectoderm 15-20 separate ectodermal ”buds” develop from papilla mammae Each bud develops into one ductus lactiferus, to drain one mammary lobe All mammalian embryos transiently show a ”mammary line” (Norw: Melkelist) between the axilla and the inguinal region. This explains that Many mammals normally have > 2 mamma Humans may have supernumerary nipples and accessory mammary tissue The human mamma normally has an ”axillary tail” Lactiferous duct (15-20) Langman Per Brodal 2008

19 Mamma Pectoral muscle Adipose tissue (lobulated) Ductus lactiferus
Sinus lactiferus Areola Glandular tissue At birth, sparsely branched ductus lactiferus are present. Due to strong hormonal stimulation in utero, the ducts of the newborn (both sexes) may produce a sparse secretion (”witch’s milk”) In females at puberty the duct system and adipose tissue develop to give the mammary gland its mature resting form During pregnancy, the duct system expands and secretory units (alveoli) develop Right after delivery, secretion starts When lactation is terminated, the alveoli and ducts regress to the pre-pregnant stage After the menopause, the duct system gradually regresses Suspensory ligaments Papilla mamma Per Brodal 2008

20 Mammary gland from a child
Ductus lactiferus Per Brodal 2008

21 Resting mammary gland (adult)
Interlobular connective tissue Terminal duct 15-20 separate ductus lactiferus ( dl ) extend from the papilla mamma into the subcutaneous fatty tissue The opening of each duct on the papilla is about 0,5 micrometer and macroscopically visible Below the areola, each dl is dilated: sinus lactiferus Ductus lactiferus are lined with 2-layered epithelium Each dl branch several times (the epithelium is reduced in height and to 1 layer) Each terminal branch enters its own lobulus and divides into several intralobular ducts (ductuli) A terminal duct with its lobulus (terminal ducto-lobular unit) measures about 1 mm in the resting mamma (Geneser) Most of the volume of the resting mamma is contributed by fatty tissue Intralobular ct is loose and vascular Interlobular ct is quite dense Interlobar ct, especially in the upper part of the gland, is dense and forms strong connections between the skin and the muscle fascia over pectoralis major and serratus anterior, ”suspensory ligaments ” (”of Cooper”) Tumors can cause ”dimples” in the skin, and asymmetry btw the mammae, by pulling on interlobar ct Lobuli Per Brodal 2008

22 Lactating gland Alveoli Duct Per Brodal 2008
Lactation induced by prolactin from the pituitary and somatomammotropin from the placenta Per Brodal 2008

23 Lactating Gland: Alveoli in Different Phases
Producing Storing During the first part of the pregnancy intralobular ducts branch richly Later, alveoli develop with secretory and myoephithelial cells Connective and fatty tissue are gradually reduced to almost nothing, but the net effect is increased size of the mammae. In late pregnancy increased height of secretory cells and accumulation of secretion (colostrum, rich in IgA) in the alveoli accounts for the increased volume of the gland A lactating mammae shows lobuli in different phases Alveoli just starting to secrete have small, empty luminae and high epithelial cells Alveoli not actively secreting, but storing, milk have large lumen and flattened epithelial cells Per Brodal 2008

24 Mammary Secretory Cell
Lipids Composition of milk: Water 88 % Carbohydrates (lactose) 7 % Fat 4 % Proteins 1 % Proteins Bloom and Fawcett (fra Ross and Reith) Composition of the milk: colostrum, protein-rich,IgA, sticky; produced in the later stage of the pregnancy Mature milk: Colostrum: the first milk; rich in protein, IgA. Production starts last month of pregancy Bloom and Fawcett Per Brodal 2008

25 Myoepithelial Cells Around Alveoli
Secretory cells Per Brodal 2008

26 Papilla mammaria Papilla Lactiferous duct (sinus) Areola
Placenta Histology Papilla mammaria Papilla Lactiferous duct (sinus) Areola Per Brodal 2008

27 Papilla mammaria (mammae)
Sebaceous glands Smooth muscle in the papilla ”erect” it when the baby suckles Rich sensory innervation of the papillae is part of the afferent limbs of reflexes which, when the baby suckles, cause: Erection of the papilla Prolactin production and release from the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system (anterior h. lobe) to stimulate secretion of milk by the aveolar cells Oxytocin production and release from hypothala-hypophyseal system (posterior h. lobe) to stimulate ejection of milk by the contraction of myoepithelial cells Reddish colour due to well developed dermal papilla (colour of blood shines through thin epidermis) Variably pigmented, more during pregnancy Ductus lactiferus Per Brodal 2008

28 Papilla mammae Ductus lactiferus Bundles of smooth muscle
Per Brodal 2008

29 Milk Ejection Reflex Sensory stimuli from the nipple
Reaches the hypothalamus Release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary Contraction of smooth muscle cells Psychic influences Psychic: milk ejection by hearing the baby, or by just thinking of it Reduced milk production due to distress, depression etc.. Per Brodal 2008

30 Lymphatic Drainage Benninghoff
Main outflow: to axillary (75 %) and parasternal lymph nodes 2: deep cervical lymph nodes 1: deep axillary 4: superficial axillar Benninghoff Per Brodal 2008

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