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New England Colonies Puritans and Pilgrims.

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1 New England Colonies Puritans and Pilgrims

2 King Henry VIII 1500s: King Henry wanted to divorce his wife, the Catholic Church wouldn’t let him, so he created the Church of England (under his control) and made it the official religion in England.

3 Puritans Influenced by the Protestant Reformation & teachings of Martin Luther Wanted a more “pure” form of Christianity free from the corruption of Catholicism Examples Church Hierarchy Sale of Indulgences Individual relationship with God. Personal Study of God’s Word.

4 New Leadership Henry VII died in 1547
9yr old son Edward King until his death in Mary and Philip, strong protector of Catholicism. Outlawed Protestantism Mary died succeeded by Elizabeth I. Re-establish Church of England Elizabeth died in succeeded by James I James took over the Church of England Mary was the daughter of first wife, Catherine of Aragon. Elizabeth the daughter of second wife Anne Boleyn James responsible for the KJV of Bible He also moved the Church of England away from Puritanism rather than toward it.

5 Pilgrams A group of people called the Separtists wanted to separate from the Church of England. Believed that individual congregations should have more power over church decisions than the King. They were persecuted by King James Fled to Netherlands for a while, given the name Pilgrims. Fled to America on the Mayflower While on the Mayflower they signed the Mayflower Compact Agreeing to obey the laws established for the good of the colony Self-government Majority Rule

6 Puritans Puritans create a “New England”
John Winthrop was the first governor of the Mass. Bay Colony Puritans fled England to create a more pure religion. They were called Separatists. Eliminate Catholicism from their religion Congregation has power – not priests

7 Puritans create a “New England”
Mass. Bay Company Winthrop received a royal charter 1,000 English men, women, and children sailed over on 17 ships. Only brought goods for building farms and villages No starving seasons Boston became the capital

8 Puritans create a “New England”
City Upon a Hill What does that mean? Puritans saw it as their duty to create a moral society – a society that all other societies look up too.

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