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Types of Communities By: Maddie, Ellie, Sophia and Anna.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Communities By: Maddie, Ellie, Sophia and Anna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Communities By: Maddie, Ellie, Sophia and Anna

2 Rural Communities Rural communities are called the country or farmland. There are fewer people, more spread out from one another.

3 Urban Communities Small amount of space. Not very much open space or natural areas. People often take the bus, trains, taxis or walk. Buildings are often very tall. Some buildings are so tall they seem to touch the sky. These are called skyscrapers.

4 Suburban Communities There are many natural areas. Sometimes people will take trains into the city. Sometimes families live in apartments. They are not skyscrapers. People in the Suburbs often drive but sometimes walk or take the bus.

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