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Causes of the American Revolution

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1 Causes of the American Revolution
Action and Reaction: The Effects of Salutary Neglect- Google it

2 I. Treaty of Paris (1763) End of French Indian War
G.B. in total control of land East of Miss. R. Colonists want to move West

3 II. Action: Proclamation Line of 1763
Keeps Colonist and Indians apart Cut Cost of Protection

4 III. Reaction:Colonists ignore Crowncontinue to move West (East of Mississippi)
Defiance of an negligent Government Economic interest in west Increasing population in colonies = need for more land

5 IV. Action: Sugar Act (1764) Colonists were smuggling sugar and Molasses G.B. needed $ to defend colonies G.B. tried to end smuggling

6 V. Reaction: Colonist still smuggled
If caught , they were punished. Actions of british angered colonists James Otis: “Taxation without Representation”                                             

7 VI. Action: Stamp Act of 1765 G.B. Needed More $ to pay for war debts, decadence, etc… B. Was a “Direct Tax” on all printed goods

8 VII. Reaction: Organization of Stamp Act Congress
Delegates from 9 colonies attended Committees of Correspondence formed to inform colonists Organized informal protest Sons of Liberty formed from this group

9 VIII. Action: Colonist Threaten Boycott of British Goods
Until stamp act repealed Did not want “taxation without representation” Demanded rights of citizen

10 IX. Reaction: G.B. Repeals Stamp Act (1766)
Prime Minister Grenville removed for “losing control” of colonies Charles Townshend Replaces to bring order to colonies

11 X. Action: Townshend Acts (1767)
New PM tries to assert power on colonies Taxes on all imported goods from G.B. (one was on Tea) G.B. sent to enforce and control protests

12 XI. Reaction: Many Protests
Boston Massacre (1770) Crowd protests/soldiers panic All taxes (except tea) repealed Boston Tea Party (1773) 1. Sons of liberty

13 XII. Action: Intolerable Acts (1774)
Result of Tea Protest Boston Harbor closed Intention was to punish colonies More troops sent from britain (quartering act)

14 XIII. Reaction: 1st Continental Congress (1774)
Discussion: should we stay or should we go? 1st official meeting (56 delegates) 2nd CC planned for 1775 G. Washington appointed General of Cont. Army

15 XIV. Action: More troops
“Shot Heard ‘round the World” 1. Lexington/ Concord Revolution Begins

16 Prompt points During the early stages of the Revolution, many if not most colonists desired to remain loyal to Britain. Do think the Revolution could have been avoided? What actions or reactions would you have rewritten if you had the chance to change history? Write a paragraph explaining your thoughts. (A Side) (decorate for 5 extra points)

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