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Youtube video by yami cendejas

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Presentation on theme: "Youtube video by yami cendejas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Youtube video by yami cendejas
Prepping to win!! Youtube video by yami cendejas

2 Let’s See What’s on our Agenda >
o·ver·view ˈōvərˌvyo͞o/ noun 1. a general review or summary of a subject. "a critical overview of the main topics in our marketing plan" Let’s See What’s on our Agenda >

3 Get Ready to win! Learn the SECRETS to “Taking Home the GOLD”
 Set yourself apart through innovation, creativity, and quality.   Apply The Power of Three and other techniques to drive home your message to the judge's in a way that will keep you and your presentation in their minds all the way to the WINNER'S STAGE! You are going to LOVE these simple techniques and ideas… and wonder why you didn’t try them before!

4 Don’t let this happen to you!! > Prevention

5 The power of 3 - Repeat it, believe it
“Fact: This sentence will become more and more truthful every time you read it.” “Studies suggest that repeated statements are perceived as more truthful than statements made less frequently.” “Repetition imbues a statement with familiarity.” “Frequency breeds familiarity, and familiarity breeds trust.” Repeated exposure to an opinion makes people believe the opinion is more wide-spread. According to marketing studies “…consumers remember a statement that gets repeated often, believe it to be true, and think it is the popular opinion.” SOURCE: Say It Again: Messages Are More Effective When Repeated. (2014, November 13). Retrieved February 02, 2017, from

6 * Intro * body * conclusion
The power of 3 * Intro * body * conclusion "Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them." Let’s Practice!  MindMap with Related Body Language

7 Set yourself apart with…
 Innovation  Creativity Something Different / Unique What will everyone else say? Be sure to say something different. Example: Thank You Cards Ideas with Measurable Results Incorporate Current Trends Read Forbes, Entrepreneur, etc. NO politics Acronyms (NASA) The 3-F’s of my plan are: Friendly, Family-Oriented, & Financially-Sound Slogans Jingle Let’s Practice!  Measurable Results & Acronyms


9 Set yourself apart with…
 Quality Content  Confidence Industry Terms 3-5 Important Points that MATCH Judge’s Score Sheet Basic Problem Solving Formula Challenge, Root/Cause, Analyze Potential Solutions, Select Best Option, Implement, Evaluate, & Revise as Necessary Smiling Strong Introduction (You’re going to love…) Strong Finish (Wouldn’t you agree…?) Vocabulary (Search) Close the Deal (Overcome objections: Example: ready to begin Mon Morn at 8:00am.)

10 And… Have a little fun!!

11 “they hired me on the spot!!”
True story A student told me that he was applying for a job and at the end of the interview when they asked if he had any questions …. He gave them his best sales pitch and tried to sell them a DECA AD! He said , “they hired me on the spot!!”

12 Let’s Practice!  MindMap with Related Body Language
con·clu·sion kənˈklo͞oZHən/ noun 1. the end or finish of an event or process. "the conclusion of today’s presentation" Set yourself apart through innovation, creativity, and quality.  Apply The Power of Three and other ways to drive home your message to the judge's in a way that will keep you and your presentation in their minds all the way to the WINNER'S STAGE! Example: Now that we have covered __, ___, and the superior efficiency of ____, wouldn’t you agree that _______. Let’s Practice!  MindMap with Related Body Language

13 So you ask: Does anyone have any questions?
If no one answers – what do you do?

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