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The essentials of Learning, E-learning and ISD

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Presentation on theme: "The essentials of Learning, E-learning and ISD"— Presentation transcript:

1 The essentials of Learning, E-learning and ISD

2 1. What? Why? When? Learning? E-Learning? E-learning Design?
E-learning Instructional Design

3 Learning? Listening Reading Watching Doing Choosing Creating

4 E-Learning? E-learning is the use of information and computer technologies to create learning experiences that lead to a change in knowledge, skills and attitude

5 E-learning Design? Producing effective e-learning is a large job requiring several different skills: instructional design media design software engineering economics Strategies to transform information into learning experiences that produce desired changes (through electronic media)

6 2. The essentials of learning, e-learning and ISD
Need and Problem  Goals L E A R N I N G Conventional Learning E-learning INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN STRATEGIES Classroom On-the-job Field Decisions Motivation Ease Interesting L E A R N I N G G A I N CHANGE Solution  Gains Knowledge Skills Attitude

7 Learner Profile Demographic Age Gender Education Learning Problems
Needs Goals Styles Job Level Descriptions

8 Learning goals and objectives
Knowledge Skills Attitude Focus on learning NEEDS Can be clearly demonstrated, measured Have CLEAR learning outcomes

9 Learning Activities and Experiences
Prepare them for the activities Guide them throughout the activities Monitor their progress Give them the means to explore the activities Give them the opportunity to explore beyond the activities

10 Learning Evaluation Give them sufficient time to demonstrate what they have learned Give them the tools to demonstrate what they have learned Give them feedback for improvement

11 Thank you and have a great day!

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