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Potentially Kinetic Form Transform Heat Miser Sounds Good to Me

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Presentation on theme: "Potentially Kinetic Form Transform Heat Miser Sounds Good to Me"— Presentation transcript:

1 Potentially Kinetic Form Transform Heat Miser Sounds Good to Me Light Up My Life 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 A child at the top of a slide is a good example of _________ (kinetic or potential) energy because____________________.

3 Potential because energy is stored waiting to be used.

4 A running dog is a good example of __________ (kinetic or potential) energy because ____________.

5 Kinetic because the dog is moving.

6 When you toss a ball into the air, it has maximum potential energy when it is a) on its way up b) at its highest point c) on its way down d) at its lowest point

7 At its highest point.

8 As the pendulum swings from 1 to 2, what happens to potential energy and kinetic energy?

9 Potential energy decreases and kinetic energy increases.

10 How can the potential energy of a book on a shelf be increased
How can the potential energy of a book on a shelf be increased? Name 2 ways.

11 Move it up higher or make it more massive (heavier).

12 Name one form of energy in this picture. Explain.

13 Thermal because it is hot. or Electrical because it is plugged in
Thermal because it is hot. or Electrical because it is plugged in. or Light (electromagnetic) because it gives off light.

14 Why is this a good example of chemical energy?

15 Because it is burning.

16 In this picture of a TV, electrical energy is being transformed in ________ energy.

17 Thermal or Light or Sound

18 Energy can change forms, but according to the Law of Conservation of Energy energy cannot be ______________.

19 Created or destroyed.

20 When moving objects stop moving, mechanical energy is usually transformed into thermal energy through ___________.

21 Friction.

22 In which state of matter are the atoms (particles) moving the most?

23 gas

24 When matter goes from liquid to solid does thermal energy increase or decrease?

25 Thermal energy decreases

26 When hot water in a pot moves from the bottom to the top, which type of heat transfer is taking place?

27 convection

28 The black interior of a car gets hot on a sunny day because of what type of heat transfer?

29 radiation

30 Why does conduction work better in solids than in gases?

31 Because the particles are close together (touching).

32 Sound travels in ________ made up of compressions and rarefactions.

33 Waves (wavelength)

34 What part of the ear connects the ear canal to the middle ear?

35 Eardrum

36 Sound is able to bounce off of objects because of _________ (also called echo).

37 reflection

38 Pitch is related to how often the sound waves are traveling away from the source, also called _______________.

39 Frequency

40 A sound like a siren has high ___________ also called amplitude.

41 Loudness

42 A blue object appears blue because it ___________ (reflects or absorbs) only blue light.

43 reflects

44 The picture below show light bouncing off a shiny surface which is called ____________.

45 reflection

46 Light enters the eye through the pupil which is a hole in the muscle called the _____.

47 Iris

48 What property of light is shown below?

49 Refraction (bending of light)

50 When all three primary colors of light are combined, the result is ___________ light.

51 white

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