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Paul Bunyan Legends.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul Bunyan Legends."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul Bunyan Legends

2 Before You Read

3 1. What do you know about Paul Bunyan?

4 After you read

5 Answer these questions with your partner(s)
What is your favorite part, and least favorite part about this legend?  Why do you like and dislike these parts? What are three of the hyperboles (exaggerations)  about Paul’s childhood? Knowing that Oral Traditions explain cultures and things in nature, why do you think this became a story that was passed down by each generations?  (aka what do you think it's purpose was)  Why do you think this tall tale is so important to American cultural history?

6 2. What is your favorite part, and least favorite part about this legend?  Why do you like and dislike these parts?

7 3. What are three of the hyperboles (exaggerations)  about Paul’s childhood?

8 4. Knowing that Oral Traditions explain cultures and things in nature, why do you think this became a story that was passed down by each generations?  (aka what do you think it's purpose was)

9 5. Why do you think this tall tale is so important to American cultural history?

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