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2 pt3 pt4 pt5pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt1 pt2pt3 pt4pt5 pt1pt2pt3 pt4 pt5 pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4pt5 pt1pt Books Fill in the Blanks Name that Genre More Name that Genre.

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Presentation on theme: "2 pt3 pt4 pt5pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt1 pt2pt3 pt4pt5 pt1pt2pt3 pt4 pt5 pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4pt5 pt1pt Books Fill in the Blanks Name that Genre More Name that Genre."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 pt3 pt4 pt5pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt1 pt2pt3 pt4pt5 pt1pt2pt3 pt4 pt5 pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4pt5 pt1pt Books Fill in the Blanks Name that Genre More Name that Genre Extra

2 Nancy Drew series is an example of this type of genre

3 What is Mystery?

4 Star Trek is an example of this type of genre

5 What is Science Fiction?

6 Harry Potter series is an example of this genre.

7 What is Fantasy?

8 Beauty and the Beast is an example of this type of genre.

9 What is a Fairy Tale?

10 Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill are examples of this type of genre.

11 What is a Tall Tale?

12 Historical fiction is a story that is set in the ______.

13 What is past?

14 Science Fiction is a genre that involves future science or __________.

15 What is technology?

16 Often begins with “Once upon a time...”

17 What is a Fairy Tale?

18 A folktale is passed down orally. They are usually from another _______.

19 What is culture?

20 Myths are stories that try to explain elements of ________.

21 What is nature or life?

22 Story of gods, goddesses, heroes, or unusual creatures.

23 What is a Myth?

24 Has “Happily Ever After” endings.

25 What is a Fairy Tale?

26 Has action, danger, discoveries, journeys, and is usually outdoors.

27 What is Adventure?

28 Stories originally passed down orally, then eventually written down. An exaggerated version of a true story.

29 What is a Legend?

30 Tells about characters and events that are like people and events in real life.

31 What is Realistic Fiction?

32 A short story designed to teach a lesson.

33 What is a Fable?

34 Setting in outer space or involves aliens.

35 What is Science Fiction?

36 Story set in the past and portrays people, places, events that did or could have happened.

37 What is Historical Fiction?

38 Story where the main character may be aided by a magical helper.

39 What is a Fairy Tale?

40 A legend is an exaggerated version of a ______ story.

41 What is true?

42 This picture is an example of a ______.

43 What is a Fairy Tale?

44 This picture may be an example of __________.

45 What is a Fable?

46 This picture is an example of a ______.

47 What is a Myth?

48 These pictures may be an example of _____.

49 What is an Adventure?

50 These pictures may be used in ________ ________.

51 What is Realistic Fiction?

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