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Countdown to Finals. Countdown to Finals BELLWORK 12/11 How did the Renaissance change knowledge and education? How did the government change during.

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2 Countdown to Finals

3 BELLWORK 12/11 How did the Renaissance change knowledge and education?
How did the government change during Reformation? What is an absolute monarchy? Give two examples of absolute monarchs who ruled during the period. ( ) What is philosophy? What might a philosopher from the Renaissance write about? THINKER: What is a thesis statement? Create your own thesis statement for one of the following: Why is Mrs. Mattia awesome Your favorite sport and why it is your favorite Your favorite band and why it is your favorite

4 Read Pages Write a brief summary of the absolute monarchs during the Reformation/Enlightenment periods. Elizabeth I Philip II Louis XIV Peter the Great

5 Fall Final Essay: Cause & Effect Thesis
WRONG: RIGHT: The corruption of the church was characterized by the sale of indulgences, power of the clergy and use of the Inquisition. These abuses of power led to the Reformation period which made indulgences illegal, translated the bible, and separated church and state. Since the Catholic Church did bad things they went through a Reformation period. After this period, they changed a lot of their practices.

6 Fall Final: Geography Portion
You will be asked to identify key countries of study during the fall semester. Use the map handout to label important countries from: Early Civilizations Middle Ages Renaissance and Reformation

7 Fall Final Study Guide: 100 pts.
WRONG: RIGHT: Achievements of early civilizations were government, farming, architecture, math, compass, weapons and writing. Egypt: Hieroglyphics, tombs, polytheistic, government ruled by pharaoh (New, Old, Middle Kingdom) Mesopotamia: Fertile Crescent = focus on farming, ziggurats (polytheistic), cuneiform, numbering years, plow, domestication of animals You are preparing for a FINAL that is worth 10% of your grade! Include as much detail as possible! This is the best way to study!

8 Politics during the Renaissance
Absolute monarchs and the philosophers that challenged them

9 Absolute Monarchies In the 1500’s and 1600’s, European monarchs sought to create powerful kingdoms in which they could command the complete loyalty of all their subjects. This form of government, known as absolutism, placed absolute, or unlimited, power in the monarch and his/her advisers. The strength of absolutism rested on divine right – the political idea that monarchs receive their power directly from God and are responsible to God alone for their actions. An absolute monarchy, it was reasoned, would unify diverse peoples and bring greater efficiency and control.

10 Spain – Philip II 10

11 England – Elizabeth I 11

12 France - Louis XIV 12


14 Louis XIV 14


16 Russia - Peter the Great

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