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ABSOLUTISM IN EUROPE SWBAT: explain absolutism and identify absolute monarchs. Homework: None Do now: answer the questions on the top of the guided notes.

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Presentation on theme: "ABSOLUTISM IN EUROPE SWBAT: explain absolutism and identify absolute monarchs. Homework: None Do now: answer the questions on the top of the guided notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABSOLUTISM IN EUROPE SWBAT: explain absolutism and identify absolute monarchs. Homework: None Do now: answer the questions on the top of the guided notes.

2 Agree or Disagree ◦“Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

3 Agree or Disagree ◦“Power resides only where men believe it resides.”

4 Agree or Disagree ◦“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.”

5 What is absolutism? ◦Form of government in which the monarch exercises ultimate governing authority as head of state and head of government ◦Power is not limited by a constitution or by the law. ◦An absolute monarch wields unrestricted political power over the state and its people. ◦Absolute monarchies are often hereditary but other means of transmission of power can be used.


7 Louis XIV- France ◦Ruled France for 72 years. ◦Lived through rebellions as a child and looked to make the king’s power absolute. ◦Believed in the divine right of kings- god had chosen him to rule. ◦Made all important decisions himself. ◦Adopted the sun as his personal symbol.

8 Versailles ◦Built Versailles; represented the power of the monarchy. ◦Used it to control nobles. ◦Nobles could advance only by gaining the king’s favor.

9 Peter I- Russia ◦Wanted to modernize Russia. ◦Looked to Europe, specifically France, for inspiration.

10 Absolutism in Russia ◦Took Louis’ ideas of absolutism and pushed them even further. ◦Had complete control of a highly centralized government. ◦Brought the Russian Orthodox Church under his control. ◦Nobles were given land and serfs (slaves) that Peter could take away at any time. ◦Led to extreme loyalty from lords and complete power of the state. ◦Elevated the status of the army, making them loyal to the czar.

11 Frederick William I - Prussia ◦Did not want to follow France as an example. ◦Did not believe lavish spending was the way to create power. Prussia

12 The Plan ◦Instead he building large buildings, he concentrated on the army. He doubled the size and made it the most efficient force in Europe. ◦Well equipped, disciplined, and were punished if orders were disobeyed. ◦Brought absolute power to himself with the use of his army.

13 Elizabeth I - England ◦Absolutism never gained the foothold in England as it had in other European countries. ◦Parliament was used by Henry VIII to turn England Protestant, which gave them more power. ◦Elizabeth used Parliament, but did not allow it too much power. ◦Instead, she sought to gain power through religious unity. ◦Puritans and Catholics were prosecuted.

14 Vocab Review

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