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Presentation on theme: "MODULE 6 SUMAN MUDUNURI."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Twitter Online social networking service that enables users to send and read short character messages called tweets Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read the 310 million monthly active users 83% of users are on mobile devices Demographic: Age 18 – 49 Urban (city dweller) Users access Twitter via website, SMS or mobile device app. Based in San Francisco with over 25 offices worldwide


4 Beginning 2006 Jack Dorsey idea Evan Williams Biz Stone Twttr
Trend to drop vowels at the time for domain names Noah Glass: Developer credited with original name First Image cost $15 Twitter began as an idea that Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey had in Dorsey had originally imagined Twitter as an SMS-based communications platform. Groups of friends could keep tabs on what each other were doing based on their status updates. Like texting, but not. During a brainstorming session at the podcasting company Odeo. Jack Dorsey proposed this SMS based platform to Odeo's co-founder Evan Williams Evan, and his co-founder Biz Stone by extension, gave Jack the go-ahead to spend more time on the project and develop it further.

5 Original Sketch & First Tweet

6 Tipping Point South by Southwest Interactive (SXSWi)
Twitter usage increase from 20,000 to 60,000 tweets/day Won SXSW Web Award By end of 2007 generating 400,000 tweets per quarter Placed plasma screens in the conference hallways exclusively streaming Twitter messages

7 Making the News 2009 Flight 1549 crashes into Hudson River
Twitter broke the news before the traditional media By 2009, Twitter was generating 50 million tweets/day

8 Twitter history continued
2010 Launches Promoted Tweets and Trends 2011 Arab Spring 2012 Obama marked his 2012 victory with this tweet. Most Retweeted 2013 Launches Vine

9 Twitter history continued
2014 This year’s Oscars Tweets made an unprecedented billion impressions, and this Tweet surpassed the previous record to become the most Retweeted. Launch Promoted Video 2015 Direct Messages and Mobile Video Acquire Periscope Launches Hearts

10 Twitter Terminology @username is a public message to or about an individual Tweet – when you post something To follow someone is to subscribe to their tweets Retweet (RT) – when you repost something from another user Direct Message (DM) is a private message between users Trending Topics are topics being discussed by many users at a given time Moments - the best of what’s happening on Twitter in an instant. You can like a tweet by clicking the heart Explore – see who is on twitter and what people are tweeting Engage – Follow the guidelines and become an active user Explain Moments integration last year Heart (like) from Star (favorites)

11 What You Didn’t Know About Twitter


13 What is Instagram? A mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing, and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, and share them publicly on the app, as well as on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr. Instagram provides you with filters you can apply to your photos to automatically enhance the look and style. 400 million active users Demographic: Age 18 – 29: 55% Age : 28% Suburban and Rural

14 Beginning 2010 Kevin Systrom Mike Krieger October 6, 2010
Instagram Launches December 12, 2010 1 Million Instagram Users Instagram CEO and co-founder, Kevin Systrom, designed the original retro-looking icon as a rendering of an actual camera. Why the dramatic switch? Systrom posted on Quora that the company eventually canned the old icon because it had "nothing to do with Instagram."  Here's Systrom's full response: I designed the original one – and honestly it came down to branding. I'm very excited about our 2.0 icon and the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. The initial icon was a rendering of an actual camera that had nothing to do with Instagram. At that point, you have to realize, we had 80 users and I really just liked the idea of having a retro camera stand for Instagram. It became really clear very quickly that we needed our own brand, and as part of that we enlisted help from one of our users Cole Rise – who after many iterations has created a really gorgeous icon that we all identify with as Instagram today.

15 1 YEAR LATER September 26, 2011 10Million Users September 20, 2011
V2.0 introduced with 4 new filters V2.0 introduced with 4 new filters

16 Additions November 21, 2011 Launched Weekend Hashtag Project
December 9, 2011 iPhone’s App of the Year April 3, 2012 Launched for Android Users Weekend Hashtag Project is a series featuring designated themes & hashtags chosen by Instagram's Community Team. For a chance to be featured on theInstagram blog, look for a photo announcing the weekend's project every Friday.

17 Facebook Acquisition April 9, 2012
Facebook buys Instagram for 1 Billion Dollars May 2016 Now worth over 35 Billion Dollars In only 2 years Instagram was bought for 1 billion dollars!

18 New logo revealed May 2016

19 What do Twitter and Instagram have in Common?

20 Twitter Tips Fill in your Twitter profile completely.
Include a link to your website in your profile. Find people to follow. Connect with others who you find interesting, people you know, clients, organizations, authors, etc. Follow back. If people follow you and they look interesting, follow them back and see what they’ve got to say. Use polls (a type of post) to gather research Ask questions. You can learn a lot from your followers. Add up to 4 photos per post. Video is also supported in a twitter post, up to 30 seconds in duration Retweet messages you've found, with your reaction to a Tweet you find interesting. Use shortened links rather than full blown URLs. is good for this. Consider mentioning other users by their Twitter username (preceded by sign) in your Tweets. This will draw more eyes to your message, and can even start a new conversation. Show up regularly. It doesn’t have to be every day (although that helps). Consistency is important.

21 Instagram Tips Post interesting, colorful photos and videos.
Instagram now supports video up to 60 seconds in duration Try not to overdo it with the filter effects. Interact with followers who have commented on your photos. Engage—like others' photos and leave comments. Balance Fun Images With Pictures From Your Business You can post from Instagram, and simultaneously post the same content to your Facebook business page and Twitter page. A great way to grow your following is to use the search tab to find: Content, Users, Hashtags and Places Connect Instagram to your Facebook Business Page: Linked Accounts >Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/Flickr & Authorize

22 Your Turn to Chime In Instagram
What is the Weekend Hashtag (most recent or coming up) Assignment: Follow LBCC_COS on Instagram and Twitter Post something they’ve learned about their favorite COS instructor this semester using #COSDepartmentSwag A winner will be chosen on May 20! Create an infographic with your results


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