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Important Terms Foreign Policy People MISC. 100 200 300 400 500.

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1 Important Terms Foreign Policy People MISC. 100 200 300 400 500

2 Important Terms100 spreading the rule of one country over that of another country. Answer: Imperialism

3 Important Terms 200 noninvolvement in world affairs
Answer: Isolationism

4 Important Terms 300 Americans had increased their territory by moving west and south Answer: Expansionism

5 Important Terms 500 Name and define the 4 types of Imperialism
1) Colonial Imperialism: One country taking over another country usually by force. 2) Cultural Imperialism: One country’s culture impacting another country’s culture. 3) Political Imperialism: One country influences the government of another country. 4) Economic imperialism: One country controls key aspects of another country’s economy

6 Important Terms 400 Answer: Yellow Journalism
American newspapers printed shocking reports about the violent revolution. This type of sensational and biased reporting Answer: Yellow Journalism

7 Foreign Policy 100 approach would keep the world from falling into anarchy, or disorder and lawlessness. The United States had the right to act as a “policeman” in Latin America. This was known as the “big stick” policy or _____________. Answer: The Roosevelt Corollary

8 Foreign Policy 300 Japan, Germany, Great Britain, France, and Russia had set up spheres of influence in China. Secretary of State John Hay proposed an idea. This would give each foreign nation in China the right to trade freely within all the spheres of influence Answer: Open Door Policy

9 Foreign Policy 200 thought that the United States should intervene in other nations’ affairs if American business interests were threatened Answer: Dollar Diplomacy

10 Foreign Policy 400 When Matthew Perry makes an agreement to trade with Japan. Answer: Treaty of Kanagawa

11 Foreign Policy 500 What does America gain out of funding and revolt in Panama against Columbia. Answer: Panama Canal

12 People 200 Leader of Hawaii who begins to fight back to American rule of the country Answer: Queen Liliuokalani

13 People 100 Leader of the Rough Riders in the Spanish American War and later became President. Answer: T. Roosevelt

14 People 300 Opened trade for the U.S. in Asia and specifically Japan
Answer: Matthew Perry

15 People 400 Who is quoted for saying this, “We hold that the policy known as imperialism is hostile to liberty and tends toward militarism, an evil from which it has been our glory to be free.” Answer: Anti-Imperialist League

16 People 500 a secret Chinese society, that fought against the foreigners in China Answer: Boxer Rebellion

17 Misc. 100 War over Cuba and the Philippines
Answer: Spanish- American War

18 Misc. 300 What 3 Pacific Islands did America gain control over.
Answer: Midway, Samoa, Hawaii

19 Misc. 200 War between Russia and Japan Answer: Russo-Japanese War

20 MISC. 500 Explain the positives and Negatives to Imperialism
Answer: Answers May Vary

21 MISC. 400 What was the last straw event that caused America to invade Cuba. Answer: Explosion of Battleship Maine karrie anne

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