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Unit II, LG 2: Greece: A Confederate Empire

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1 Unit II, LG 2: Greece: A Confederate Empire
LG 2: Identify the characteristics of theocracy, democracy, and oligarchy and describe how the city-states of classical greece each developed separate governments yet unified as an empire.

2 Warm Up What do you notice about the physical geography of Greece?
How do you think the physical geography affected where people settled and interacted with one another?

3 City-States Geography
Mountains acted as natural barriers Separated into small, isolated regions Developed very different governments and cultures. Limited farmland encouraged wars among city-states! Coastal settlements encouraged ancient Greeks to engage in overseas trade.

4 Characteristics of City-States

5 Characteristics of City-States
Greece developed around the idea of the Polis Polis = city-state Athens: Citizens (adult males) would gather in the acropolis (marketplace) and discuss political issues of the day Greek city-states NOT united many different forms of government

6 Sparta Athens

7 Athens v. Sparta You are going to read about Athens and Sparta and fill out the following chart Athens pg. 128 Sparta pg. 129 With your partner choose which city-state you would prefer to live in and WHY! You will be asked to share with the class! Should include: government, daily life, culture, etc… City-State PROS CONS Athens Sparta

8 Their neighbors…

9 Eventually the Greek city-states united to fight the Persian Empire
The Persian Wars Eventually the Greek city-states united to fight the Persian Empire Persian king Darius II Several Greek city-states unified to form the Delian League in order to protect their land In time the were able to defeat the Persians

10 The Peloponnesian War After the Persian Wars
Rivalry between Athens and Sparta Sparta declared war on Athens Peloponnesian War After 30 yrs of fighting Sparta was victorious! Outcome: the Peloponnesian War weakened the city-states The King of Macedonia (to the north) saw this weakness and took all of the Greek city-states under his control until his death… when his son took over…

11 Alexander the Great Brilliant general
Created the largest empire under the rule of one individual throughout the history of mankind Spread Hellenistic culture (Greek inspired culture) to many parts of the world Cultural diffusion Conquered Persia, Egypt, and parts of India

12 Hellenistic Culture Hellenistic Culture: the fusion (combination) of Greek culture with the Middle East and India Sculptures and art

13 Math & Science Archimedes Eratosthenes Pythagoras
Establishes Pi, explained levers, and invented the screw pump Eratosthenes Calculated the circumference of the Earth Pythagoras Pythagorean Theorem

14 Philosophy The greatest philosophers were GREEK! Socrates Plato
Questioned what was good, moral, and just Was condemned to death by the Athenian Council for “corrupting the young” Plato Wrote The Republic – described ideal city-state ruled by a philosopher king Defined justice as the rule of reason over desire Aristotle Collected and classified things from animals to city-state constitutions

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