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Do Now: Explain what you see here.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Explain what you see here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Explain what you see here.

2 These are called green walls
Where you can grow different types of plants on a vertical space. Where can you place green walls?

3 They can be grown indoors as well as outdoors

4 This diagram shows a typical indoor green wall setup.
Explain how a green wall distributes water to its plants? Explain the impact of a green wall on the quality of the air, according to the diagram.

5 Green walls are often constructed of a material that is porous, and synthetic.
Why would the walls need to be porous? Why would the walls need to be synthetic?

6 Green walls are basically vertical hydroponics
The plants are usually not planted in soil They are in synthetic material like felt Since they are not in soil, how do the plants get their nutrients?

7 Plants usually rot if kept wet all the time because they need proper access to Oxygen.
How does the design of a green wall help eliminate the risk rotting?

8 How to build one
Would this be a project worth doing in our garden? What about inside our school?

9 Each green wall can grow any kind of plants
It all depends on the conditions the green wall is exposed to. Explain how a sunny location versus a shady (indoor) location can affect the types of plants you grow on a green wall. How about a humid location versus a dry location?

10 Explain some of the benefits that green walls can bring to indoor living spaces.
Explain any benefits green walls can bring to a city when placed out doors. Close up

11 How could the temperatures in a city be affected if a large number of buildings had green walls/green roofs? How can growing food crops of green walls help?

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