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Word Sort With your group, arrange/categorize these terms in the way that you think they fit best. Discuss why you arranged them how you did and whether.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Sort With your group, arrange/categorize these terms in the way that you think they fit best. Discuss why you arranged them how you did and whether."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Sort With your group, arrange/categorize these terms in the way that you think they fit best. Discuss why you arranged them how you did and whether or not there anew any terms that you don’t understand.

2 Word Sort 1st world South Korea Truman Private Ownership Competition
Communism Capitalism 2nd World Dictatorship Collectivization Mao North Korea Stalin Full Employment No Ownership Cooperation East Berlin Equality Iron Curtain Kim Il Sung 1st world South Korea Truman Private Ownership Competition West Berlin Profit Churchill Democracy

3 World Sort Witham Korea Afghanistan Space MAD Nuclear Weapons
Proxy War Witham Korea Afghanistan Space MAD Nuclear Weapons

4 Cold War Unit Test Date: 2nd = Friday, May 4th 6th = Thursday May 3rd

5 Ice Age: The cold War Begins
Class Docs: pg. 7 Workbook pg. 4

6 Essential Question What conditions existed at the end of World War II that caused there to be tension between the US and Soviet Union?

7 Directions Read question 1 as a class With your partner
Read, starting on pg. 7 until you answer # 1 With your partner Read next question Read document until you answer question Underline in text, answer in workbook Discuss as class

8 Follow Up Open you workbook to pg. 4, class docs pg. 7
Make sure that you have, Questions 1-3 completed Answers underlined in text

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