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Mrs. Drewry Rm. 32 Mrs. Wiggers Rm

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Drewry Rm. 32 Mrs. Wiggers Rm"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Drewry Rm. 32 Mrs. Wiggers Rm 33 2016-2017
Welcome to 5th Grade! Mrs. Drewry Rm. 32 Mrs. Wiggers Rm 33

2 Daily Schedule 8:30-8:45: Morning Work
8:45-10:15: First Learning Block 10:15-10:55: Writing 10:55-11:30: Lunch/Recess 11:30 -12:00: AR/RTI 12:00-12:30: Block 12:30-2:00 Second Learning Block 2:00-2:45: Science/Social Studies 2:45-2:55: Agenda, homework 2:55-3:00: Clean Up 3:00: Dismissal Daily Schedule

3 AZ College and Career Readiness Standards
. Please go to the following websites to learn more about AZ college and career readiness standards: Math Fractions Addition /Subtraction Multiplication/ Division Geometry & Coordinate system Number Sense Standards in Mathematical Practice English Language Arts Writing Speaking and Listening Language Reading Literature Informational Text Foundational Skills

4 Reading Houghton Mifflin Harcourt JOURNEYS
Nightly Reading (approx. 20 min. per night) Assessments Skills Assessments Comprehension Assessments Vocabulary Students will receive whole group instruction, as well as, small group, and individual instruction throughout the year.

5 Writing and Language Journeys Writing Journeys Grammar Easy Grammar
Journeys Spelling

6 McGraw-Hill My Math(emphasizes vocabulary and builds upon skills with incorporated spiral review)
1st semester Place Value Multiplying Whole Numbers Division with two digit divisors Decimals- add, subtract, multiply and divide Expressions and Patterns Math

7 Science 5th Grade Science Curriculum Inquiry Process – Science Fair
Physical Science – Matter, Motion & Force Life Science – Structure and Function in Living Things Earth and Space – Moon and Earth in Solar System

8 Social Studies 5th Grade Social Studies
American History – Revolution and New Nation, Civil War and Reconstruction, Westward Expansion, World History – European Exploration, Age of Revolution Civics/Government – Structure of Government, Rights, Responsibilities and Roles of Citizenship, Foundations of Economics Geography of US 50 states and capitals Location on map Social Studies

9 Homework Agenda is filled out everyday. It contains all homework for the evening .! Homework is sent home daily. (40-50 minutes per night). Homework may include any subject areas. At this time, there will not be homework assigned over the weekends unless your child fails to complete assigned work during the week. Students should complete homework independently. Assignments are due the following day. Reading nightly is a part of daily homework. Students should be reading at least 20 minutes per night. ONE completed chapter book is required every 3-4weeks. Book report due August 26. Students get paper when ready to complete.

10 Grading Percentages in math, reading, writing, language, listening & speaking, science and social studies. All progress report and report cards will be on-line through infinite campus. Register on-line to check your child’s progress in grades at home. Check with Mrs. Benfield in the office if you need assistance.

11 Classroom Etiquette Warning Loss of Recess Loss of earned free time
We will have 4 simple rules for our room…Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Ready and Be Positive. We will discuss ways to demonstrate both and the outcomes of those behaviors. By agreeing to these rules we will make our classroom a fun and safe place to be. Consequences are an obvious result of misbehavior. Hopefully, we can take many steps to resolve issues when they arise before severe consequences are given. Warning Loss of Recess Loss of earned free time Communication Home

12 $200 for individual tax payers
Tax Credit Donations $400 for married couples $200 for individual tax payers Donations to school will support grade levels, Art Masterpiece, and after school clubs. Donate

13 5th Grade Potential Field Trips
We Make Schnepf Farms Halle Heart Museum Play $25 fee will be charged through the parent portal online to pay for field trips

14 Housekeeping Please notify me of any changes in transportation or contact information Please fill out ALL forms in student packet and return to school. If you need to get in touch with me throughout the day, please me! I will do my best to respond the same day. or Lunches: $2.60 daily Money can and should be put onto your child’s account either on line or in the morning at the cafeteria.

15 Important Links Our school website:
Our district website: To add money to your child’s lunch account: Tax Credit Donations: To check grades ON-LINE:

16 Questions??? I look forward to partnering with you to make this a memorable year for your child.

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