Welcome to Back to School Night English 9 Mrs. Todaro Room 134

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1 Welcome to Back to School Night English 9 Mrs. Todaro Room 134

2 Curriculum Currently going through tasks for close reading
Currently reading Of Mice and Men Reading to understand complex characters Writing skills: text complexity and text support Completing vocabulary journals, literary element journals, and group work Using Google Classroom Using turnitin.com Throughout the year will be reading fiction and non- fiction texts and conducting research based projects

3 Materials Binder or notebook Vocabulary and literary journals
Vocabulary journals are an ongoing process all year Literary journals again will be an ongoing process

4 Grades Grades are based on a point system
I will give out progress reports roughly every 2 weeks. They only need to be signed if the student is failing ,64 or below. However, if the students is borderline this might apply as well. I will be utilizing the open grade book option on School Tool parent portal

5 BYOD Bring your own technology
Optional in class- not a requirement. Technology will still be provided if necessary. Students use school Wi-Fi not their own Internet service provided such as 4G…… They are subject to school rules and the agreement when they sign onto the system Parent permission is not required; however, it is your own personal decision whether or not you want your son/daughter to use their own technology in the classroom.

6 AIR: Accountable Independent Reading
The student must read independently. They will receive class participation for reading

7 Parent/Teacher Conferences October 26th afternoon and evening November 2nd afternoon
Parent/Teacher Conference scheduling software: Pick-A- Time. We will no longer send sheets home with the students. Parents will be asked to log into and signup for their conferences. Guidance counselors have the handout of directions at the main entrance. You should wait for a connect-ed message, telling you when the site will be open for signups then follow the directions on the handout. There is also a handout and a link to the site on the High School website.

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