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Component 1 & 2 – Key Information

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1 Component 1 & 2 – Key Information

2 Command words Each question will begin with a single command word. To gain marks from the higher bands it is essential that you know what these mean.



5 Explain Note that ‘explain’ questions require a ‘linked’ response. It is not enough to just say facts, you must also say what the result of this fact is. E.g. Explain how fast twitch fibres are beneficial for sprinters? Saying that they have large stores of phosphocreatine will receive minimal marks. Linking this fact to how it affects performance (will result in faster availability of ATP and therefore quicker muscle contractions) will allow access to the top marks.

6 Long answer questions Long answer questions (6 marks and above, up to 15) are assessed using ‘bands’ rather than marks being awarded for the number of points made. Higher bands are accessed by linking theory to practice, presenting arguments from different angles (if required), structuring an answer effectively, using examples and making good use of technical language.

7 Example of bands in mark scheme

8 Areas of Assessment (AO1,2,3)
AO1 – knowledge of key facts AO2 – application of these facts to practical situations AO3 – analyse and evaluate information Questions for 6+ marks are likely to award marks from a range of AO’s to ensure that top marks cannot be gained by just recalling key facts without analysis or application. Example of mark scheme:

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