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GCSE Business Studies Exam help Command Words Unit 3: Building a Business.

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1 GCSE Business Studies Exam help Command Words Unit 3: Building a Business

2 “Describe” Questions “Describe” questions allow you to use a definition as one of your points. Most, but not all, describe questions make reference to a particular business. These questions must be answered in the context of the business to score full marks.

3 “Explain” Questions To answer “Explain” questions you need to make a number of linked, related pointed using sentences. All “Explain” questions are worth 3 marks. Offering a definition does not allow you to score a mark. Most, but not all, “Explain” questions make reference to a particular business. These questions must be answered in the context of that business. Try to use connective words at the start of the second and third sentences such as “because”, “this leads to”, and “as a result”. You will need to write three sentences each linked together logically.

4 “Choice” Questions This question is usually worth 6 marks. A student aiming for the top grades should score full marks on this type of question. To get all 6 marks you need to: Make a decision about which is the “best” method. Give two developed explanations containing linking statements that help justify your decision. Use appropriate business concepts and terms. Provide a conclusion. Note: You can refer to both methods in your answer – but you do not need to do this to gain full marks.

5 “Discuss” Questions These questions are usually worth 6 marks To answer a discuss question you need to write up to three paragraphs. The first paragraph should explain the problem/benefit/opportunity highlighted in the question is important. The second paragraph should explain why a different problem/benefit/opportunity might be more or less important. The final paragraph should contain a judgement as to which of the two problem/benefits/opportunities is the most important and why.

6 “Assess” Questions Assess questions are usually worth 8-10 marks. Assess questions will be linked to a business or economics context. To answer the question you have to offer a balanced answer. Explain at least two effects Use appropriate business and economic terms Organise your answer into paragraphs; the first paragraph should explain why the issue highlighted in the question is important; the second paragraph should explain why the issue might be more of less important of give an alternative view point Include a judgement in the final paragraph as to which of the two effects is the most important and why. (Consider whether the “it depends on” rule can be used) Ensure the judgement contains at least two reasons/causes and consequences. You will not gain any marks for defining terms.

7 “Using your knowledge of business, assess…” Questions These types of questions are worth 10 marks, It is a good idea to write using up to four paragraphs: The first paragraph you need to explain why the issue highlighted is important The second paragraph will explain why a different issue is more or less important The third paragraph will explain why a third issue is more of less important The final paragraph should contain a judgement as to which issue is the most important and why. Hint: Try to ensure that your answer is written in contact and contain the phrase “it depends’” This will help your answer be placed in the top level of the mark scheme.

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