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Presentation on theme: "Phylogeny."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phylogeny

2 Learning objective Success criteria
To understand how and why we classify organisms Success criteria Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of: the relationship between classification and phylogeny (covered in outline only at AS level)

3 Classification Artificial classification Natural classification
Only based on a few characteristics Does not reflect evolutionary relationships Provides limited information Is stable Uses many characteristics Reflects evolutionary relationships Provides lots of useful information May change with advancing knowledge

4 Phylogeny Phylogeny is the study of the evolutionary history of a group of organisms. All organisms have evolved from shared common ancestors. Phylogenetics tells us who is related to whom and how closely related they are.


6 Task The following activities are based on a remarkable educational resource and will help you to appreciate the importance of Darwin’s ‘tree of life’ in helping to make sense of the origin of animal life on Earth. Start now and complete the activity for homework – Highlighting important stages in evolution.

7 Plenary Why do we study how closely related we are to other species?
To help us understand our own evolution. By studying the organisms that are closely related to us can help us to understand our own biology and behaviour.

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