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Energy, Producers, and Consumers

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1 Energy, Producers, and Consumers
Chapter 3-2 Energy, Producers, and Consumers

2 Daily Objectives Define and describe the role of primary producers
Describe the ways consumers obtain energy and nutrients

3 Primary Producers Organisms need energy for growth, reproduction, and metabolic processes. No organism can create energy—organisms can only use energy from other sources.

4 Primary Producers For most life on Earth, sunlight is the ultimate energy source. (Photosynthesis) Some organisms use chemical energy stored in inorganic chemical compounds as their energy source (Chemosynthesis)

5 Primary Producers Autotrophs (producers) use solar or chemical energy to produce “food” by assembling inorganic compounds into complex organic molecules. Autotrophs store energy in forms that make it available to other organisms that eat them.

6 Feeding Relationships
There are 3 main types of feeding relationships 1. Producer - Consumer 2. Predator - Prey 3. Parasite - Host

7 Producers All autotrophs (plants), they trap energy from the sun.
Bottom of the food chain.

8 Consumers All heterotrophs: they ingest food containing the sun’s energy Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores Decomposers Detrivores

9 Herbivores - Eat plants in order to obtain energy
Ex. Cow, Deer, Caterpillars

10 Carnivores Eat meat to obtain energy Example: Tiger and Shark

11 Carnivores Predators Scavengers Hunt prey animals for food.
Example: Fox Scavengers Feed on dead organisms. Example: Vulture

12 Omnivores Eat both plants and animals
Ex. Humans, Bears, Pigs, and Raccoons

13 Decomposers Breakdown dead and decaying plants and animals into simpler molecules that can be absorbed Ex. Bacteria and Fungi

14 Detrivores Feed on detritus particles (bacteria in soil), often chewing or grinding them into smaller pieces. Example: Earthworms

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