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Modes of Nutrition Autotrophs have the ability to make their own food by the process of photosynthesis (write the word equation) Some bacteria use chemosynthesis.

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2 Modes of Nutrition Autotrophs have the ability to make their own food by the process of photosynthesis (write the word equation) Some bacteria use chemosynthesis (CO2  organic carbon)

3 Modes of Nutrition Photosynthesis is a chemical process by which autotrophs use energy from sunlight, and carbon dioxide and water to build organic molecules (simple sugars). These sugars can be used later for energy or as building blocks for more complex molecules. Equation: Carbon dioxide + water  sugar + oxygen

4 Modes of Nutrition Organisms that cannot make their own food must get their food by eating food (living or dead organisms). Organisms that cannot make their own food are called heterotrophs.

5 Modes of Nutrition Herbivores are heterotrophic animals that eat only plants. Carnivores are heterotrophic animals that eat other animals. Scavengers are carnivores that feed on organisms that have already died. Predators are carnivores that hunt and kill their prey. Omnivores eat both plants and animals.

6 Modes of Nutrition Decomposers, such as fungi, break down dead organisms and absorb the nutrients. These are the “recyclers” of the community

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