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Spaghetti Bridge Lab Physical Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Spaghetti Bridge Lab Physical Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spaghetti Bridge Lab Physical Science

2 Classroom Discussion How is a dependent variable different from an independent variable? What is a controlled variable?

3 Spaghetti Bridge Lab Pre-Discussion Questions:
What things could you measure about the bridge or change about the set-up to be different than the current set-up?

4 Title: Spaghetti Bridge Lab
Purpose: To find the relationship between the number of spaghetti strands making a bridge and the number of marbles that the bridge can support.

5 Spaghetti Bridge Lab Prediction/Hypothesis:
What do you expect will happen to the strand of spaghetti if we add more marbles in the cup?

6 Spaghetti Bridge Lab Uncooked Spaghetti Plastic Cup String Marbles
Materials: Uncooked Spaghetti Plastic Cup String Marbles

7 Spaghetti Bridge Lab Procedure:

8 Title: Spaghetti Bridge Lab
Picture of Lab setup:

9 Average number of marbles
Spaghetti Bridge Lab Data Table: Strands of pasta (<6) Trial #1 number of marbles bridge can support Trial #2 Trial #3 Average number of marbles

10 Spaghetti Bridge Lab Tips: 1.) Don’t let tables get too far apart!
2.) Increase the number of marbles until the bridge breaks. Record the last number of marbles the bridge actually supported. 3.) Assign someone to be the CATCHER of the cup when the bridge breaks.

11 Spaghetti Bridge Lab Reflection:
This is a paragraph of what you have learned from the lab. Restate your purpose Answer your prediction using evidence from your data. (Use examples)

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