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Texas Physical Geography

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Presentation on theme: "Texas Physical Geography"— Presentation transcript:

1 Texas Physical Geography
A. Springer

2 Overview You will be studying the regions of Texas and how each region is different from one another in terms of physical geography. You will be looking at the climate, landforms, terrain, vegetation, and bodies of water in each region.

3 Assignment You will be split up into groups by region,
each group member will answer one of the following questions and will also be responsible for their role in the group. Groups will present in class on Wednesday

4 Essential Questions What is the elevation like in this region? What effect does elevation have on vegetation there? What is the climate like in this region? How does temperature vary by elevation? What type of plant life can be found in this region? Is this because of elevation, precipitation or both? What would be ideal in this region farming, ranching, lumber, urban development? Why?

5 Helpful Hints When you are answering these questions, make sure to be resourceful; use your textbook, the internet and the maps that are on this power point. When using the following maps some are not top quality because they have been stretched, look them up on the web in order to get a better image.

6 Regions of Texas

7 Rivers in Texas

8 Precipitation

9 Vegetation (Texas Parks and Wildlife website)

10 Drought

11 Elevation

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