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WHAP Review Period 1 to 600 BCE

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Presentation on theme: "WHAP Review Period 1 to 600 BCE"— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAP Review Period 1 to 600 BCE
Technological and Environmental Transformations, to c. 600 BCE 1.1 Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth 1.2 The Neolithic Revolution and Early Agricultural Societies 1.3 The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral, and Urban Societies

2 The Way Way Way Back 13.7 Billion ago Big Bang?
4.6 Billion ago Earth created 2.5 Million First Homonids 200K ago first Homo Sapiens Very Loooong period of Hunter & Gatherers 10K ago Transition to Agri Revloution??

3 Obligatory Homo S Spread Map

4 Neolithic Revolution 10K ago First agri-socieites Examples
? Climate change pressure Eastern Medit. INDEPENDENTLY Examples River Valley Meso, Nile, Indus, Yellow, Others – Sub-Sah Africa, New Guinea, Mesoamer, Andes Domesticate Crops & Animals – see map Pastoralism Ag Communities = Towns  Organized Society Cooperation, impact on environment


6 Early Ag Societies

7 Things You Gotta Know (Learning Objectives)
How humans used tools/tech to set up communities Compare Hunter & Foragers (gatherers) to Pastoralists to Settled Ag. Societies use of & impact on environment How environment influenced migration & settlement How migrations impacted environment Use of tech to overcome geo barriers Relationship btw states/govs & those w/o (nomads) + & - of foraging, agri & pastoralists Role of pastoralists, traders/travelers in diffusion of crops, animals, & tech

8 1.2 Ag & Pastoral Transform Societies
More reliable food source (?) Pop. Increase Specialized Labor Social Stratification Patriarchy (Gender Inequity) New Tech Pottery, plow, Textiles, Wheel, Metals

9 How does this show the changes?
Specialized Labor Increased Pop More Food Patriarchy New Tools Social Stratification Metallurgy

10 Develop. of Early Ag, Pastor, Urban Societies
Ag surplus to development Geography is the key Rivers, natural plants & animals allow for it

11 First States Egypt c. 3000 BCE Nile Grain, cotton
Predictable, gradual flood Villages, few cities Hieroglyphs (from cuneif?) Religion – Pyramids, Pharoah Gov’t - centralized after Menes Social Classes 3 Kingdoms Old – Pyramids Mid – Pharoahs New Empire expanded Trade – SWAsia, Nubia+, Indus Mesopotamia c BCE Tig & Euprh Rivers Grain Control Floods, Irrigation Villages, Cities, City-States Cuneiform Religion – Ziggurat Gov’t – Kings Social Classes Sargon, Hammurabi, Nebucha.. Trade – Egypt & Indus, +

12 KC 1.3 Interaction States grow need more land/resources
New groups move in Hittites- (Iron) invade Other pastoralists – Indo-Euro Spread ideas – Iron, language, religion Composite bow, weapons Horses & chariots

13 Culture Unifies – Monumental Architecture
Ziggurats Pyramids Temples Defensive Walls Streets & Roads Sewage & Water Systems

14 Systems of Record Keeping (Writing)
Writing = History (yeah inventor of writing) Cuneiform from? Hieroglyphs from? Pictographs used? Ideographs? What? Alphabets from? Quipu from?

15 Culture Unified – Law Codes
Code of Ur-Nammu 2100 BCE Code of Hammurabi 1750 BCE Code of Moralai 2012 CE

16 Trade Routes Lead to Development
Meso & Egypt Egypt & Nubia Meso & Indus

17 New Social Structures Egypt Meso Maya China Patriarchy

18 End of Period 1 to 600 BCE 1.1 Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth 1.2 The Neolithic Revolution and Early Agricultural Societies 1.3 The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral, and Urban Societies

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