The New Deal.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Deal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Deal

2 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
Elected in 1932 Promised a “New Deal”… RELIEF, RECOVERY and REFORM

3 1st 100 Days The First 100 Days The “Bank Holiday”
Closed all banks for a holiday Only let the “sound banks” re-open Restored people’s confidence in banks Established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to insure people’s investments

4 The First New Deal – Relief and Recovery
Formed the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) The Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) put young men to work maintaining forests, beaches and parks The Public Works Administration (PWA) launched public projects such as building dams, bridges, etc. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was developed to regulate the stock market

5 The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) created jobs for farmers and provided electricity to the area
The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) raised farm prices and lowered production The Supreme Court eventually ruled the PWA and AAA Unconstitutional

6 The Second New Deal - Reform
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) improved playgrounds, schools and hospitals The Farms Securities Administration (FSA) gave money to farmers and helped migrant workers The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), also called the Wagner Act, legalized collective bargaining and “closed shops” The Social Security Act (SSA) gave pensions to the elderly, disabled and unemployed

7 Criticism of FDR Eleanor Roosevelt Packing the Supreme Court
Wanted to fill the court with more people favorable to his New Deal Tried (unsuccessfully) to increase the court from 9 Justices to 15 Some New Deal programs put women and minorities at a disadvantage Eleanor Roosevelt Changed the role of the First Lady Helped FDR Traveled for her husband Reported conditions to FDR Openly advised FDR Held press conferences

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