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Agenda Warm Up Discussion: Beginning of the Holocaust

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1 Agenda Warm Up Discussion: Beginning of the Holocaust
Video from Survivor Video of the Camps Photo Analysis Group Work HW: Nazi Propaganda during the Holocaust

2 Warm Up What were President Truman’s options for the final strike on Japan? Describe Hitler’s death.

3 The Holocaust

4 Genocide The systematic and purposeful destruction of a racial, political, religious, or cultural group. Examples: Holocaust Armenians by the Ottoman Empire Stalin: Peasants, government and military leaders Cambodia Rwanda: Tutsi’s victims of Hutus

5 Why did Holocaust Happen?
Hitler’s Anti-Semitism Totalitarianism combined with Nationalism Economic depression blamed on Jews Hitler’s belief in the master race

6 Nuremburg Laws 1935, all Jews barred from Civil Service, those positions going to Aryans. Jews are no longer German citizens They cannot associate with Aryans. Later, required to wear the Star of David.

7 The Move to the Ghetto Jews forced to move into ghettos, their homes and possessions for confiscation by the Nazi’s Now they crowded into rooms that held up to 16 people when it should only hold two or three.

8 Final Solution The systematic killing of Jews.
General Einsatzgruppen utilized as mass killing squads. Others rounded up and taken to Concentration Camps. Beaten and killed when they did not work hard enough at the camps.

9 The Use of the Camps By 1942 gas chambers were created, and death camps were common. Auschwitz is the most notorious. 90% of Jewish population in Poland killed.

10 Off the Trains Two lines, one to take a “shower” and the other to be numbered and put into the camp The Jewish prisoners would remove all clothing, heads were shaved, and any valuables were taken (including fillings from teeth). Then they were sent to work until they died from starvation or abuse from the guards.

11 Japanese Internment Camps
110, ,000 detained simply because of their race… Reeducated kids, forced to work, 1,800 deaths 66% were American citizens, but they were forced into “internment camps” for the duration of the war.













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