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Oerstedt+Champ+Swarm → Empirical models →New parameters/knowledge

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1 Oerstedt+Champ+Swarm → Empirical models →New parameters/knowledge
Frictional/Joule heating AMPS+Weimer combination (J•E) (Laundal et al.)→ Conductivity map? Regional view from Swarm observations (∑pE2) Reference information: Simulations, GB data (Marghitu et al.,) Re-analysis of VCT: Baseline corrections & quality flagging for potentially large VAT Interpretation of negative values? Is ionosphere always only an energy sink? Occurrence of Equatorial plasma irregularities At altitudes km can be characterized with LT, DOY, lon, F10.7 (Stolle et al.,) What about other altitudes? Comparisons with GB radar/receiver data. Sq current variability Interhemispheric differences in seasonal and longitudinal patterns & signs of atmospheric tides (Chulliat et al.,) Integrating Solar cycle dependency to the model. Solar cycle dependency in the magnetospheric field should be resolved first. The long observatory data archives (Brown et al., ) and Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition method (Alberti et al.) may be useful in the solar cycle studies. TEC, ROT and ROTI Climatology on seasonal variations in MLT-MLAT and GLON-GLAT grids. (Kervalishvili et al.) Besides SAA, also other anomalous regions with mysterious seasonal variability? ROT/ROTI linkage with phase and amplitude scintillation indices?

2 New data products for new statistics
IPIR (Ionospheric Plasma Irregularities) Temporal and amplitude variations in ionospheric plasma density (Miloch et al.) Consolidated information from Swarm LP and GPS covering all latitude regimes Can one index characterize both amplitude and phase scintillation? Should we have a family of IPIR indices for different time windows in RODI/ROTI determination? IPIR index should be used in global multi-instrumental ionospheric storm studies (Zakharenkova, et al). Auroral electrojet and oval boundaries Auroral electrojet boundaries based on SECS and LC methods and oval boundaries based on single-sat FAC product (Kauristie et al., Xiong et al.) Do SECS and LC generate different boundary and peak locations? How the difference between auroral oval boundaries and electrojet boundaries depend on MLT and geomagnetic activity level? Interhemispheric differences? ULF wave and Dst indices Pc1, Pc3, and whistler indices based on VFM 1, 50 Hz and ASM burst mode 250 Hz data (Balasis et al.) More ASM runs in burst mode & Whistler detection → More whistler dispersion studies to support electron density modelling (Coisson et al.,) What can we learn from whistler studies?

3 Advancements concerning the different FAC products
Usage of adjustable methods for FAC estimates Single, dual and three satellite methodologies with quality indicators (Blagau et al.; Dunlop et al.) A tool box with manuals would facilitate wider usage of the advanced methodologies in case studies. Correlation lenghts in R1 and R2 currents Single-sat FAC estimates by Swarm A & C have been used to determine their cross-correlation variability according to MLT and as function of lag-time and longitude distance (Yang et al.). Similar study could be conducted also with Swarm A & C LP and TII measurements. MVA and correlation results should be compared.

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