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Welcome to the Year 6 Curriculum Meeting. Mrs Rawles - Wrens

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Year 6 Curriculum Meeting. Mrs Rawles - Wrens"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Year 6 Curriculum Meeting. Mrs Rawles - Wrens
Welcome to the Year 6 Curriculum Meeting Mrs Rawles - Wrens Mrs Hyland - Robins

2 Curriculum Literacy (Writing, Reading, SPAG) & maths
Science: Circulation/ keeping healthy, electricity, light, evolution & classification History: Ancient Greece Geography: Coasts and fair trade PE: Tuesdays and Thursdays Website Curriculum Plan

3 Homework Given out every Friday and handed in the following Wednesday
Set homework is uploaded onto the website Content: Reading (at least) 3 times a week Spellings (Year 6 key words and words following spelling patterns/rules) Times tables/Number facts linked to Superheroes(12x12) English and maths extended tasks Homework Support Club: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtime Half term project – whole school

4 SATs 13th -16th May 2019 Literacy: Writing (teacher assessment), Reading, SPAG Maths: Arithmetic, 2 reasoning papers No holidays Meeting in January

5 Trips Team Building – Residential (Osmington Bay) /Gordon Brown
Think Safe – PSHCE Winchester Science Centre - Science

6 How can you help?

7 Homework Provide a quiet space and time
Provide resources needed (ICT in school) Encourage completion to a high standard Signature following completion (Reading, spelling and times table) Homework handed in late will not be marked unless due to sickness.

8 Literacy Reading for at least 20 minutes 3 times a week. Ask them questions about their reading. Encourage them to read from the recommended book list Spellings- encourage your child to learn Year 5/6 Key words and use spelling rules when writing. Children are encouraged to write creatively at home. Talk to them about their writing. How can they improve it? Children can write spellings in rainbow font, play games where you spell the word together saying a letter each, try spelling the word backwards, writing it on each others backs.

9 Mathematics Mental maths- Please practise times tables with your child. Ask them questions out of order! Ask them for division facts and try to quicken the pace. Playing games and using real life situations. Maths- supermarkets adding up prices, working out change, looking at times on a tv guide,

10 Behaviour and Rewards School reward system School behaviour policy
Houses and beads

11 Questions? Please feel free to come and speak to us if you have any questions or concerns

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