English 11 – Periods 5 & 6 Wed, Sept. 27, 2017

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1 English 11 – Periods 5 & 6 Wed, Sept. 27, 2017
HW Due today: Extended Response – Common Lit reading IF ABSENT - hard copy Rough Draft + Peer Edit sheet & POST rough draft - folder attached to assignment on Google Classroom IF ABSENT LAST CLASS – did you Remind text? Check agenda? Complete CW/HW? Do NOW: Pick up novel, questions

2 Today’s Activities - LAB
Practice Writing SOL (MC) – 30 questions graded (sliding scale) WHEN FINISH SOL The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Read/respond Ch. 9-10 FRI- Discuss Ch / FRI-Reading Check Ch. 8-10 IF TIME- Journal Entry – “Wildest Dreams” I Know” Personal Narrative Essay - Return/finish final (to come)

3 HW for Fri, Sept. 29 Read/respond Ch. 9-10 (will discuss next class)
Reading Check Ch next class FINISH/submit Practice Writing SOL (if did not) I Know” Personal Narrative Essay – coming up: Return/finish final IN CLASS

4 Journal Entry – Wildest Dreams
Consider Mary Oliver’s quote from her poem “The Summer Day”. Describe the plans or dreams you hope to achieve in your adult life. What do you dream of being, doing, or creating someday?

5 Journal Writing Guidelines
Loose leaf paper (or online) Name, date, period at top (if handwritten) Restate the question in your response 5-10 complete, thoughtful sentences OR 15 minute write (extended); this is one paragraph+ or front of a page Read through once to proofread for errors

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